People's Review Weekly

Quotes of the Week

- - Rabin Suwal Excerpted and compiled by Sushma Shrestha

There are four options left for the Nepali youths:

Go to a foreign country or struggle against the system-trap staying here; keep the system under control by pleasing the politician­s or launch a struggle for a rule of law.

- Krantibir Why objection to the word “king”? Is the “King” involved in gold smuggling? Has the “king” made Bhutanese refugees to the Nepali nationals? Did the “King” make a fake document to capture the Lalitaniwa­s government land?

The majority of the people in the society never say "former King" to the king.

- Sekhar Khadka

The “King” feels safe among the people’s crowd but the “popular’ leaders are scared of the crowd. This could be the reason that those politician­s become mad when they hear the word “King”.

- Arun Luitel All the stalls at the Bhrukitima­ndap Exhibition Center are from India. We can rarely see a Nepali stall there except for a stall of rice with the Duggar brand. It makes clear that Nepal cannot explore the employment market and we have no other alternativ­e except to export cheap labor to the internatio­nal market.

- Dipak Poudel The King is always a king and a terrorist is a “terrorist” forever.

- Apil Gurung If the King had tried to save his throne through a setting with the foreign powers, today, those politician­s could not be able to loot the nation.

- Giriraj Purush

25 VIP delegation­s visited foreign countries in 45 days. They are the VIPs contributi­ng to the bankruptcy of this nation

- Laxman Ghimire

The King is an integral part of the Newari culture. Without the associatio­n of the King, many rituals cannot be completed. Newar’s culture doesn’t recognize a president.

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