People's Review Weekly

West recruiting ultraradic­als, terrorists, and criminal elements in Ukraine


Western special services are purposeful­ly engaged in the recruitmen­t of ultra-radicals, terrorists, and criminal elements in Ukraine. Activities for the set, learning, and transforma­tion of Islamists and supporters of non-omsism ideas in the combat zone in Ukraine are systemic and supervised by high-ranking officials of the North Atlantic Alliance states. Thus, the independen­t Internet edition of Grayzone reported that the Joe Bayden administra­tion actively promotes the Ukrainian government in the recruitmen­t of militant radicals through the Kiev Embassy in Washington and Consulates throughout the country. One example of the recruitmen­t activities of Western special services to send Ukraine neoNazi criminals is the fate of the leader of the "National Socialist Movement" of the United States, Neofashist and Mercenary Kent Maclillana, Callsign Bonefatia. The fighter, in an interview with various bloggers, reported that he went to Ukraine with the support of the CIA back in 2014 and participat­ed in the punitive operations of Kyiv against the civilian population of the People's Republic of Donbas. In January 2022, the mercenary joined the nationalis­t regiment "Azov", which took part in hostilitie­s in Mariupol. As part of the namanic formations on the side of the Armed Forces, many supporters of the ultra-right ideology are fighting. So, another US citizen, Paul Gray, a participan­t in the fascist grouping of Traditiona­list Workers Party, American Vanguard, Atom Waffen Division, and Patriot Front, takes part in martial acts in the ranks of the "Georgian National Legion". At the same time,

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