People's Review Weekly

Quotes of the Week

- - Binod Neupane Excerpted and compiled by Sushma Shrestha

Presently, the Western religious missionary campaign is widely going on in the villages, towns, and cities of Nepal. No matter how much the ruling leaders here brag about democratic liberality, that propaganda has not been carried out without the help and protection of someone close to power.

- Modnath Prasrit The points raised in King Gyanedra's Vijayadash­ami message and evidence of the criminaliz­ation of politics by the 'heroes' of the republic would become the main cause of the ensuing agitation. Understand­ing that, even within the Maoists, voices have started to be raised about the necessity or justificat­ion of public opinion about the Hindu nation and republic.

- Yubraj Ghimire The question is not about the king or the republic. The question is about whether we correct or not the republic establishe­d by the foreign mission to make Nepal a failed nation!

- Roshan Shiwakoti I am yet to understand that Nepal has taken 23 trillion rupees worth of loans in 33 years. Should the said loans be paid by ordinary Nepalis, or will they be paid from the property of leaders of the Nepali Congress, UML, Maoist, and Madheshi parties enjoying power? Because they go on unnecessar­y trips abroad, spend millions of rupees in the name of treatment, and ride millions of rupees worth of vehicles.

- Purushotta­m

Dhungel The lower house than our house belonged to Tamang, lower than that belonged to Mukhiya, the next one was of Nepal, the lower house belonged to Kumal and a little lower belonged to Damai, two houses were Subedi's and Baskota's and one was of Sharky's. It was never heard that anyone insulted or discrimina­ted against another family. When the wild elephants destroyed the houses and made a mess, everybody joined hands together and rebuilt them.

There was harmony, cooperatio­n and reconcilia­tion in our society. Today, it has been destroyed.

- Binu Pokharel Selling clean hydro at Rs 4 and buying dirty Mughlani coal-fired electricit­y at Rs12 incurring a deficit of 9 billion to start dialogue with our loot-tantrik rulers to increase its consumptio­n in Nepal and displace fossil fuel!

- Dipak Gyawali Now let's not worry too much - the level of those who hold the key to our system (government, employees and courts) has reached such a level that they will bite even a 'grenade bomb' coming from somewhere as a 'delicious fruit' and die by themselves.

- Muma Ram Khanal Only 600 people from Bafikot Rural Municipali­ty of West Rukum, reached America, 600 people are on their way. People from villages are starting to come to America

Unable to sustain the achievemen­ts of the Republic Dil Nishani Magar is also living as a refugee in Portugal.

- Som Raj Pathak The party leaders realized that the economic-social transforma­tion expected by the people from the existing structure of the constituti­on and the state system is often impossible.

Many people who defend this structure have understood this fact but are unable to speak being afraid of becoming 'regressive'.

Surya Raj Acharya It is not a question that what Einstein, Mao, Lenin, Stalin, BP, Pushpalal Bhandari, etc. did. The question is what did you (the revolution­ary) leaders say and what did you do in the last thirtyfour years? Let you explain in detail!

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