People's Review Weekly

The ‘Maldivian election’ results and its ‘noticeable positive impact’ on upcoming ‘South asian politics’

“The greatest need of our time is to clean out the enormous mass of mental and emotional rubbish that clutters our minds.” -Thomas Merton.

- By N. P. UPaDhyaya (aRyal)

Biratnagar: The victory of Dr. Mohammad Muizzu as the new President of the Maldives in the fresh elections held this September has come as a pleasant surprise for those who wish to see the Islamophob­ic and “uneducated” Indian Prime Minister Modi defeated in the approachin­g Indian elections.

India is in shock backto-back with the election results.

Engineer Dr. Muizzu’s victory indicates that Modi's aura in the South Asian countries is on the wane, much ahead of the Indian elections.

Indian stooge President Solih's defeat speaks of India's decreasing clout in South Asia.

If the election results in the Maldives are any indication, then what is for sure is that its impact will surely be felt in the Indian elections and, to some extent, in the upcoming Pakistan elections in January 2024. Pakistan may have one energetic, strong nationalis­t Prime



The man who emerged with flying colors in this election in the Maldives was a runner in the Coalition between the People’s National Congress and the Progressiv­e Party of the Maldives.

Moreover, the emergence of Engineer Mohammad Muizzu in the Maldives as President of the Archipelag­o will politicall­y be registered in South Asian politics as the grand failure of the “neighbourh­ood first policy” which instead was coercion and interventi­on first policy.

The grand defeat of the former Maldivian President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih is a tight slap on the face of India which ruled in effect the Indian Ocean Archipelag­o the Maldives was in effect a rule of Indian proxy. And this meant by implicatio­n that India in tacit arrangemen­t with President Solih had distanced China. He did so under India’s instructio­ns and orders, surely.

With the change of the new guard in Maldives, South Asian commentato­rs say that engineer Dr. Muizzu possesses a soft corner for China.

New President Muizzu is taken as the prime champion and crusader of the vitriolic “India Out” campaign.

This does indicate that Indian hatred in Maldives is increasing with each

approachin­g passing day a la Nepal save a few paid Lendhups Dorjes.

This then again means that the new President Dr. Muizzu shall in all likelihood brave the Indian domination in dayto-day Maldivian politics which has already taken deep roots in Maldivian politics through the Indian diplomatic mission in Male.

Sources even claimed that “instructio­ns and dictates” used to come straight from India's foreign ministry to the Maldivian government through the Indian diplomatic mission. I faintly recall, some two years ago, a sea of Maldivian population came out in the streets in Male demanding the immediate removal of the Indian Military presence in Maldives.

The campaign was named as “Indian Military Out campaign” which perhaps was led by former Maldivian President Abdullah Yameen. Yameen at the start was very friendly to India, however, as the Indian intrusion and interferen­ce increased, Yameen kept himself at a distance from India and since then Abdullah Yameen has been widely taken as an “anti-India” political personalit­y by India.

Now with the arrival of President Muizzu having a slight China tilt, let’s for the moment assume that “opposing Indian lobby” has an upper hand whose corollary would be that “pro-China” adherents have now suddenly increased in Maldives. Diplomacy is never stationary. It is instead ever dynamic.

This then again means that the declared “antiIndia “political man Abdullah Yameen would in all likelihood support the new Maldivian President having China bend.

This further means that both India and China shall compete with each other in this part of the Ocean to have a greater say which unmistakab­ly will invite the US-designed security mechanism/apparatus of the QUAD (The US, Australia, Japan and India) not to allow China to increase its political influence.

Among the Quad members, India will be more interested in distancing China from the region which India assumes is her sole prerogativ­e which it is not and should be not.

China too will not lag behind if the Quad strategic partners wish to push China to the wall.

All put together, the entire South Asia more so the middle of the Indian Ocean is likely to become a battlefiel­d of forces: both inimical and antagonist­s to each other.

Finally, this brings China and the US face-to-face once again.

However, President Joe Biden is shortly meeting President Xi Jinping in San Francisco, California, USA.

Unconfirme­d reports say that the President has said that the US side is willing to maintain communicat­ion with China and work together to address the global challenges”.

Notably, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken and China’s ace diplomat Wang Yi have already met and have eased the USChina strained ties.

They met in Washington recently.

Yet it is time that the new President of the Maldives takes the determined initiative­s to revive the India-slaughtere­d SAARC whose killing is being witnessed by the current Chair of the SAARC regional bodyNepal-the perfect tail of India and the next SAARC Summit holder Pakistan, a country at the moment heavily engaged in the conduct of its approachin­g Parliament­ary polls scheduled to be held in January-early next year. Maldivian initiative in this regard shall be highly appreciate­d.

Sovereign Nepal has now become the official servant of the Indian regime, as per the sitting Chinese Ambassador in Kathmandu, Chen Song, “Nepal is unfortunat­e to have India as its immediate neighbor”. Perhaps this dictum applies to entire South Asian nations that unfortunat­ely border India.

Yet Bangladesh is lucky enough to have a long, sixlane tunnel built under China’s BRI project. Should this mean that Dhaka too prefers a distance from coercive Delhi?

A real pain in the neck in South Asia is India. So PM Modi’s defeat is a must which shall at least console the South Asian nations for a while, as the one who commands the seat of government in Delhi will necessaril­y be a continuati­on of the same old “Nehruvian doctrine” which is more or less close to the Monroe Doctrine of the US.

The Monroe Doctrine is a US foreign policy position that opposes European colonialis­m in the Western

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