People's Review Weekly

The ‘Maldivian...

- The views expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not necessaril­y reflect People’s Review’s editorial stance. The writer can be reached at: shashipbma­lla@hotmail. com The views expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not neces

Hemisphere. It holds that any interventi­on in the political affairs of the Americas by foreign powers is a potentiall­y hostile act against the USA. The doctrine was central to American grand strategy in the 20th century.

For the record, US President James Monroe first articulate­d the doctrine on December 2, 1823. (Wikipedia).

Foreign policy change in Maldives:

With the election results and engineer Muizzu being declared as the new President, South Asian commentato­rs have reasons to believe that some “foreign policy” changes may be in the pipeline which may, for sure, heighten the IndiaChina intense rivalry to secure its space in the Maldivian politics. Undeniably, China in recent months, more so after October 2023, has been trying to approach as many countries in South Asia and beyond to secure its space as against the speed with which the Quad strategic partners, individual­ly and collective­ly both, are trying to halt the Chinese endeavors.

Obviously, as the Quad members wish to expand and enhance their reach across the world, China too is trying to blunt their activities accordingl­y thus creating a situation that brings China and the US face to face.

India for China is not at all a problem. The 1962 war had already exhibited China’s superiorit­y over India.

Enters Indian Protectora­te Bhutan:

Perhaps emboldened by the election results of the Maldivian Presidenti­al elections and with the emergence of more or less a China man Engineer Mohamed Moizzu as the new President in Maldives, the Indian protectora­te Bhutan has woken up from deep doze. In a most daring and unexpected move, the Bhutanese Foreign Minister Tandi Dorji left Thimpu for Beijing with a “mission” that speaks of the Bhutanese enthusiasm to come out from the iron clutches of the expansioni­st Indian regime.

To recall, Bhutan has submitted its Foreign and Defense policies to the mercy of the coercive Indian regime from the Nehruvian days.

This time, however, the Bhutanese foreign minister has set his journey to Beijing without asking permission from the men seated in Delhi. A grand departure from the registered BhutanIndi­a bilateral immediate past.

This speaks to many things unspoken indeed. Foreign Minister Tandi Dorji landed in Beijing on October 23, 2023, and not only met one of the most powerful and knowledgea­ble Chinese counterpar­ts Wang Yi but also held friendly discussion­s on how to settle the China-Bhutan boundary talks that satisfied both neighbors. What puzzled Nepalese observers more was that the two FMs Wang Yi and Tandi, talked about the establishm­ent of diplomatic ties between the two countries that is long overdue due to the denial of the Indian


What may have ‘electrocut­ed’ the men in Delhi’s administra­tion was the statement and the content which read in part, “Bhutan and China have enjoyed a traditiona­l friendship, and Bhutan firmly abides by the one-China principle and stands ready to work with China for an early settlement of the boundary issue and advance the political process of establishi­ng diplomatic relations. FM Tandi thanked China for “its strong support and assistance to Bhutan”. Let’s hope that the gesture of thanks to China by Bhutan must have forced the Indian men controllin­g Bhutan to gulp several pills of “aspirin” tablets.

Wang Yi assured his Bhutanese counterpar­t, “China always prioritize­s neighborho­od diplomacy in its overall diplomacy and adheres to the principle that all countries, big or small, are equals. China respects the sovereignt­y, independen­ce, and territoria­l integrity of all countries and the legitimate aspiration­s and concerns of small and medium-sized countries.” Dr. Lotay Tsering this March 2023 took the courage to visit Beijing without notifying India. Highly placed sources in Nepal say that the sitting Bhutani Monarch has a distinct India bend but his cabinet members and the majority of the Bhutani population possess a soft corner for Beijing. Dr. Lotay upon meeting his counterpar­t in China later talked to the Belgian paper ‘La Libre said, “We do not encounter major



Our own South Asian diplomatic source claims that a high-level Bhutani team had sneaked into China’s Kunming this year which also went unnoticed by an Indian bullying expert.

The recurring visits by high-placed Bhutan officials to Beijing surely send signals to India that “enough was enough and that the 1949 India-Bhutan bilateral Treaty needed timely review suiting to the changing times. A clear message to India from so far discipline­d Bhutan.

All put together, even a dull brain in South Asia could guess that BhutanChin­a are inching closer to each other which means that Bhutan wants to break the Indian manacles that force Bhutan to become a tail of India's noted rogue of South Asia.

Enters Nepal-the Indian tail:

Never ever in history, China was as weak as it stands today. China is the weakest force in Nepal. It is weak in that China had even invited the sitting Nepal Prime Minister, the Indiaindoc­trinated Prachanda to Beijing.

It was a clear case of seducing the Indian brain hoping against hope that one fine morning Prachanda would be friendly to China. Daydreamin­g is free in China. No costs are involved. China is hoping against hope.

A politicall­y fatigued China wants to invite as many key officials from Nepal to Beijing as much as it can, once again hoping, that the

problems with

men visiting Beijing will henceforth have a China bend. This is impossible for some understand­able reasons.

After PM Dahal’s visit to Beijing this September, the Chief of Nepal Army Prabhu Ram Sharma was in Beijing upon “actively attending” the meaning loaded 13th Indo-Pacific Armies Chiefs Conference (IPACC) which was held in China’s rival, India between September 25-27, 2023.

China is not that foolish not to have read between the lines of the Nepal Army Chief’s travel to Delhi to attend the IPACC conference.

Media reports circulatin­g in Kathmandu hint that the Nepal Army is not the same army which it used to be in the good old days of Nepal.

Some ‘interested quarters’ like Dr. Swarnim Wagley even openly say that the entire Army Institutio­n is no more than a white elephant and that this elephant needs dissolutio­n or at least demands immediate downsizing.

A weak, feeble, and puzzled China even is set to invite the incumbent Chief Justice of Nepal to Beijing.

For what purpose, the Nepali CJ is being invited is yet a mystery.

Though China is weak in Nepal, yet, its efforts to secure a comfortabl­e political space continue. And in the process, on September 17, 2023, China sent a special emissary to meet the deposed King Gyanendra.

Our own diplomatic source authentica­lly claims that President Xi Jinping’s special envoy met the King in his current

abode in Maharajgun­j at about eleven in the evening on September 17, 2023, as stated earlier. This was the second meeting of Xi Jinping’s emissary with King Gyanendra after 2019. Xi Jinping was in Nepal in the year 2019.

What was interestin­g about the secret meeting with King GyanendraC­hinese emissary was that it was timed when the sitting Prime Minister was on his way to the USA to attend the UN General Assembly.

This means that China is desperatel­y searching for a “permanent friend” in Nepal who could well keep erratic India at a distance that in no way harms or say hurts the prime interests of China in Nepal and that being the strict adherence to “One China Policy” and the non-use of the Nepalese soil against Tibet-the underbelly of China. China’s desperatio­n is at an all-time high for some understand­able political reasons.

Let’s hope the San Francisco meeting of Joe Biden and Xi Jinping shall keep world peace intact. The world is safe only when China and the US reconcile. Their confrontat­ion bodes ill for world peace.


between liberaldem­ocratic Israel and the bloodthirs­ty Gaza’s autocratic Hamas.

Nepal had the effrontery to vote for the resolution which did not unequivoca­lly condemn the October 7 vile terrorist attacks by Hamas and demand the immediate release of hostages taken by Hamas. In a mistaken sense of solidarity with the Arab world and more broadly with the socalled Global South, the Dahal government convenient­ly forgot that Hamas had butchered over 12 innocent Nepalese students. Where is the sense of justice and retributio­n?

This government has lost all sense of proportion and an understand­ing of Nepal’s vital national interests.

However, as a result of their blatant blunders and incompeten­ce, their right and mandate have long expired.

It is high time to get rid of them!

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