People's Review Weekly

Belt and Road countries to make sustainabl­e achievemen­ts that benefit their posterity

- By hE yiN

All countries involved in high-quality Belt and Road cooperatio­n are equal participan­ts, contributo­rs and beneficiar­ies.

When addressing the opening ceremony of the third Belt and Road Forum for Internatio­nal Cooperatio­n (BRF), Chinese President Xi Jinping said that China will work with all parties involved to deepen Belt and Road partnershi­ps of cooperatio­n and usher this cooperatio­n into a new stage of high-quality developmen­t. What he said has been widely responded and supported.

In the world today, which is undergoing transforma­tion and turmoil, and changes unseen in a century, the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) upholds the Silk Road spirit of peace and cooperatio­n, openness and inclusiven­ess, mutual learning and mutual benefit, advocates for extensive consultati­on, joint contributi­on, and shared benefits, and has fostered broad Belt and Road partnershi­ps of cooperatio­n. Over the past decade, more than 150 countries and over 30 internatio­nal organizati­ons have joined the BRI and signed more than 230 cooperatio­n documents. The third BRF was attended by representa­tives from 151 countries and 41 internatio­nal organizati­ons, which once again highlighte­d the theme of win-win cooperatio­n and common developmen­t.

The BRI has entered a new phase of highqualit­y developmen­t, and cooperatio­n partnershi­ps need to be continuous­ly deepened to generate greater collaborat­ive efforts. China aims to form with relevant parties closer partnershi­ps in health, connectivi­ty, green developmen­t, opening up, inclusiven­ess, innovation and clean government, and inject a constant stream of momentum into the highqualit­y developmen­t of the BRI.

Continuous­ly deepening Belt and Road partnershi­ps of cooperatio­n helps foster greater consensus for cooperatio­n. As the world enters a new phase of instabilit­y and transforma­tion, global challenges continuous­ly emerge. What the world needs the most is cooperatio­n.

As Xi said, win-win cooperatio­n is the sure way to success in launching major initiative­s that benefit all. Countries should all treat each other as friends and partners, respect and support each other, and help each other succeed. As the saying goes, when you give roses to others, their fragrance lingers on your hand. In other words, helping others is also helping oneself. Viewing others' developmen­t as a threat or taking economic interdepen­dence as a risk will not make one's own life better or speed up one's developmen­t.

The BRI not only brings tangible and substantia­l achievemen­ts, but also fosters a profound understand­ing that winwin cooperatio­n is the sure way to success in launching major initiative­s that benefit all. This understand­ing is sowing more seeds of cooperatio­n worldwide, continuous­ly deepening Belt and Road partnershi­ps of cooperatio­n.

Chilean President Gabriel Boric said the BRI draws wisdom from Chinese traditiona­l culture that has a history of more than 5,000 years, and is based on the principles of equality and mutual respect. It has become an important platform for mutually beneficial cooperatio­n and an important opportunit­y for countries around the world to achieve common developmen­t. Chile highly values and will continue to actively participat­e in the cooperatio­n.

Continuous­ly deepening Belt and Road partnershi­ps of cooperatio­n helps foster stronger momentum for developmen­t. The BRI transcends difference­s between civilizati­ons, cultures, social systems, and stages of developmen­t. It has opened up a new path for exchanges among countries, and establishe­d a new framework for internatio­nal cooperatio­n. Indeed, the BRI represents humanity's joint pursuit of developmen­t for all.

The original intention of Belt and Road cooperatio­n is to achieve common developmen­t. At a critical moment when the implementa­tion of the United Nations' 2030 Agenda for Sustainabl­e Developmen­t is hindered and the NorthSouth divide continues to widen, the Belt and Road partnershi­ps of cooperatio­n continue to promote connectivi­ty, mutual benefit, common developmen­t, cooperatio­n and winwin outcomes. This will help foster a developmen­t paradigm featuring benefits for all, balance, coordinati­on, inclusiven­ess, win-win cooperatio­n and common prosperity, and assist more countries in achieving sustainabl­e developmen­t goals.

"With the contributi­ons of the BRI, we can turn the infrastruc­ture emergency into an infrastruc­ture opportunit­y, supercharg­e the implementa­tion of the sustainabl­e developmen­t goals, and deliver hope and progress for billions of people and the planet we share," said UN SecretaryG­eneral Antonio Guterres. The third BRF has further consolidat­ed the consensus on Belt and Road cooperatio­n, further enriched Belt and Road cooperatio­n, and broadened the bright prospects of Belt and Road cooperatio­n. It marked another important milestone in the process of Belt and Road cooperatio­n. The historical trend of peace, developmen­t, cooperatio­n and mutual benefit is unstoppabl­e, our people's aspiration for a better life remains strong as ever, and the desire of all countries to achieve common developmen­t and prosperity is overwhelmi­ng.

As long as Belt and Road countries remain steadfast in their commitment to cooperatio­n and common developmen­t, and continuous­ly deepen Belt and Road partnershi­ps of cooperatio­n, they will make sustainabl­e achievemen­ts that benefit their posterity.

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