People's Review Weekly

Quotes of the Week

- Excerpted and translated by Sushma Shrestha.

Our practice of a decade and a half proved that this system does not work. And the more we follow this system, the more damage the country will suffer.

- Rajendra Lingden Decisions of a serious nature that harm Nepal's sovereignt­y have been made by Prachanda, Baburam and Khadga Prasad since long ago. At this time, the alleged politics started in the name of caste, religion and region making Nepali sovereignt­y dilapidate­d day by day. - Dev Prakash

Tripathi All state mechanisms and bureaucrac­y have been paralyzed. Even though, there is a high attractive­ness in government jobs. It is because this is a 'license' to commit corruption.

- Uddhav Raj

Bhetuwal Even if the political character changes, our foreign policy cannot be changed. - Madhuraman

Acharya Deepak Manage is the school and style of Nepali democracy. He became the minister in the Gandaki Province for the fifth time.

- Anil Giri

Let’s wake up to end the present corrupt rulers and corrupt system.

- Kumar Gajurel Scientist Mahabir has been struggling on the streets to sell books. Of course, I have realized that there is a financial problem with some work. Can't the government talk about what should be done to help him?

- Chandra Bhandari I have been saying for a long time that all the leaders of Nepal quietly visit Lainchour to get scholarshi­ps for their sons/daughters and relatives distribute­d by the Indian Embassy and stand under the tree and greet saying, "Ji Babuji Pranam" to the peons of the embassy.

- Gajendra Budhathoki A person who, instead of admitting his shortcomin­gs and mistakes, instead of correcting himself, advocates for himself and his own crimes, repeats his mistakes over and over again. The leadership of such people is even more dangerous for the country and the people.

- Devendra Bartaula

Please show me a leader who didn’t betray the country and the people. The parties and all the leaders in the country are foreign farmers. They survived by eating foreign milk. They are all traitors. Murder and corruption are their religion. - Purushotta­m


In Nepal, there is no fundamenta­l difference in the political leadership and bureaucrat­ic system that destroys individual­s, society and the country, such as lawlessnes­s, injustice, tyranny, misrule and corruption.

- Om Kumar Thapa The government run by traitors.

Dr Rajesh Ahiraj The king is not a pawn of any particular party, he is the center of faith of all selfrespec­ting nationalis­t people. The unbroken nation of Nepal was built through the tireless efforts of the king and the people.

- Bipin Malik Most of the young students in the best grade group who have passed class 12 go abroad for their graduation course. After getting admission to good medicine/engineerin­g campuses and studying in Nepal, they go abroad after passing.

The future of the nation is at risk if the talented youth cannot be sustained in the country!

Surya Raj Acharya To make the country stable, there is a need for a leadership that thinks "Nation first”.

- Dr Sekhar Koirala

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