Australian Women’s Weekly NZ

Puzzles: test your skill with our brain-teasers


When you complete the crossword, the letters on the shaded squares, reading left to right, top to bottom, will spell the mystery word.

Solution in next month’s issue.


1. Shooting stars 5. Aviator 8. Snow-slope athlete 9. Reduce to a fine spray 10. Love god 13. Reserved in manner 15. Lowers in price 17. Narrow beam 18. Cleaning implement 19. Zodiac lion sign 21. Song, Here Comes the – 23. Began again 26. Made a pledge 27. Flower of love, red – 29. Large building 30. Nimble 31. Water pitchers 32. Discards waste carelessly


1. Assemble, – a crowd 2. Three-legged stand 3. Cruel fairytale giant 4. Puts on, – a show 5. Supplies 6. Tarry 7. Formal agreement 11. Happen again 12. Result of addition 13. Representa­tive (abbrev) 14. Nominates 16. Supplement­s to wills 19. Was ahead 20. Belonging to us 21. Orb 22. Beginner 23. Abrogate, – the law 24. Incentive 25. Postpones 28. Diplomacy

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