Australian Women’s Weekly NZ

Home hints

Georgina Bitcon shares tips for removing carpet stains, identifyin­g holiday pics, storing and chopping herbs, Christmas cooking and more.



QThe studs on the bottom of an old bag have put rust marks on my creamcolou­red wool carpet. How do I remove them? A. Murphy. Pour small mounds of uniodised salt onto each mark, then moisten with just a few drops of lemon juice. Do not saturate – the marks should still be covered with damp salt. Leave the mounds to dry completely, then vacuum the salt away.

Simple stencils

To make a simple stencil for numbering your rubbish and recycling bins, print numbers in a large clear font on your computer, trace them onto thin cardboard and cut out, leaving a stencil. Tape the stencil to the bins and paint them with spray paint or a brush, then remove.

You are here

When taking travel photos, take a shot of something that involves each new town’s name (such as street signs, shops, post offices). It’s very helpful when sorting lots of pictures.

Fresher for longer

To get the most from a bunch of fresh basil, store it in a glass of water, like a bunch of flowers, and use the leaves from the bottom of the stems first, working up to the top.

Double shot iced coffee

Fill ice cube trays with cold brewed coffee and freeze. Add cubes to coffee with ice-cream for a full-strength iced coffee drink.

Sharpen up

If sticky duct or masking tape keeps gunking up your scissors, wipe the blades with a baby wipe or eucalyptus oil.

Pantyhose know-how

To help anchor and establish plants on a steep slope, cut the legs off old pantyhose, fill with potting soil, knot the ends, then hold in place in a U-shape with tent pegs and backfill against the curve.

Avocado magic

When you only want half an avocado, instead of cutting it lengthwise, cut it around the middle and store the unused half cut-side down in a snug-fitting glass in the fridge.

Handy hand sanitiser

Wipe the white rubber sections of your sneakers and gym shoes with hand sanitiser to keep them clean and white.

Clever calendar

For a super-simple Advent calendar, cover matchboxes with pretty paper, number them one to 24, glue strips of junk advertisin­g magnets to the back, fill with tiny treats and arrange them on the fridge.


Send your handy hints or questions to: Home Hints, The Australian Women’s Weekly, PO Box 92512, Wellesley Street, Auckland 1141, or email with “Home Hints” in the subject line. While every effort is made to ensure the efficacy of each hint, we cannot take responsibi­lity for individual results.

If you don’t want to use alcohol in your Christmas cake or pudding, soak the fruit in Earl Grey tea or slightly diluted ginger cordial – both will give a great flavour.

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