Australian Women’s Weekly NZ

The impact of one moment


Annabel Langbein is truly a star. Why I don’t take life for granted, in the November issue, is an inspiratio­n and, for our family, reinforces the way we view life. In April this year one of our daughters suffered a jetsprint racing accident, which caused a severe brain injury. The loss of speech and cognitive skills, the headaches and fatigue shocked and tested us. Communicat­ing with single words, pointing and “ums” gave a new direction to charades. But did she give up? No! The long rehab continues, nudging the brain to relearn many basic skills we take for granted, including being able to cook, which she was passionate about. Our lovely daughter is on a journey – from busy mum and practice nurse to a shadow of her former self, she is now improving with speed to become as she was pre-accident. Well, she’s still working on the cooking skills! As with Annabel Langbein, in just one moment our lives can change for ever. That is why I, too, don’t take life for granted. CAROL LUCAS

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