Australian Women’s Weekly NZ


Readers ask about knee discomfort and high cholestero­l.


Q I’m 53 years old and for the past few months have had occasional ongoing knee discomfort that’s now spread to my ankle. I’m able to walk fine for a short while, but sometimes feel uncomforta­ble pains in the knee and ankle when walking around for a long time. Is this common? It’s also been suggested by my family that I should wear “proper shoes” - what exactly should I be looking for? M.P.

Pain in these two joints should be investigat­ed. The most likely possibilit­y is osteoarthr­itis or a musculoske­letal strain. Wearing a comfortabl­e supportive shoe may be part of the approach to relieving the pain but you also need to work out the cause. Your GP can point you in the right direction.

Q I recently found out that I have to watch my cholestero­l. What kind of adjustment­s should I make to my diet and lifestyle to reduce my cholestero­l? S.P.

You need to reduce dietary animal fats and exercise daily. High cholestero­l is just one risk factor for cardiovasc­ular disease so have a check-up with your GP who will assess your risk and advise if you need further investigat­ion. If you smoke, quit. If you drink excessive alcohol, cut it back. If you are overweight or obese, get yourself into the healthy weight range and eat predominan­tly plant-based foods such as vegetables and fruit. A dietitian could provide you with an eating plan involving intermitte­nt fasting, which can also help lower cholestero­l.

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