Australian Women’s Weekly NZ

Patch test: what spot removal really feels like


Matching your blotches to a treatment depends on your skin and your pigmentati­on. Is it a freckle, an age spot, melasma (which can be worsened by laser, according to Dr Cook) or a sun spot? Then there’s the treatment types – Pico, Q Switch, Erbium, CO2 – ask your dermatolog­ist which one suits, how many visits it takes and the results, since not all patches completely disappear. So, what happens when they are zapped? My spots are small and not too dark; they almost disappear with a dab of concealer and a nice overcast day. I use the right skincare but they won’t budge, so my dermatolog­ist suggested BBL Sciton. It’s a broadband light device and after a few hot flashes, it was done. My spots darkened for the next week (and were trickier to cover) before fading again. Did they disappear? No. Was it worth it? Yes, they’ll need upkeep

next year but, months later, they’re still far softer. With three visits they may even disappear.

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