Australian Women’s Weekly NZ

Find your light


Forget about certain rooms being better for certain plants – all that matters is how much sun they’ll

receive. “All plants need light and none will do well for long in a very low- or no-light position,” Craig says. “As a general rule, approximat­ely 2-4m from a north-facing window is the Goldilocks zone of bright, indirect light; and 50cm-2m from a south-facing window

is filtered or shade light.”

 ??  ?? Fruit salad plant
(Monstera deliciosa)
Fruit salad plant (Monstera deliciosa)
 ??  ?? Aglaonema
 ??  ?? Peace lily
Peace lily
 ??  ?? Begonia
 ??  ?? Philodendr­on
 ??  ?? Prayer plant
Prayer plant (Maranta)
 ??  ?? Bromeliad
 ??  ?? Jungle cacti
Jungle cacti (Rhipsalis)
 ??  ?? Ficus
 ??  ?? ZZ plant
ZZ plant (Zamioculca­s)

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