Australian Women’s Weekly NZ

Healthy hair tips

Our locks may not get wrinkles, but they do show the passage of time. Thankfully, you don’t need to get intimate with the pointy end of a needle to rewind the clock. Bouncy, shiny hair is well within your grasp.


As women, we often mark life’s pivotal moments with hair changes. Let’s skip over the questionab­le haircuts of our 20s and fastforwar­d to the lush locks that come with pregnancy. My goodness, my hair was glorious. There was just so much of it. And then, in the aftermath, pillows covered in hair and a drain problem. Most women will also remember spotting that first silvery strand. Whether you were in your 30s or 50s, it’s another shift. Other changes include dullness, thinning and worsening frizz. “As you get older, hair can become brittle and take on a coarser texture,” says Giles Robinson, Color Wow’s global director of training and education. “You may also notice hair doesn’t look as shiny or healthy.” The answer, he says, is to adapt. And that’s something we certainly know how to do.

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