Australian Women’s Weekly NZ

The Leviathan Rosie by Andrews,


Raven Books

Stunning debut. Norfolk, 1643, and soldier Thomas Treadwater is home from civil war, summonsed by sister Esther, 16. She has accused a maid of improper behaviour with their widowed father – “We are under attack by ungodly evil,” she says. Maid Chrissa is taken to prison and accused of witchcraft and examined by a midwife to “see if her body has signs of communing with imps or the devil”. When Esther starts cackling and talking in tongues,

Tom tries to sedate the “Non-Esther” drowning out his sweet sister. Esther’s origins are the stuff of myths. Sixteen years ago a baby was rescued from a shipwreck – the boat was lifted 20 feet by a sea monster with a head “like a rattlesnak­e’s” – and taken in by Tom’s father.

 ?? ?? Mythical
Mythical fiction

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