Australian Women’s Weekly NZ

Your at-home micro workout


Micro-movements should be introduced before you experience pain in a specific area. They will activate and condition underused muscles (or relieve tight ones), as well as help keep joints fluid and fascia healthy. The exercises below can be done every day, as they don’t put you at risk of injury. Struggling to get it right? YouTube videos can help.

1. Deep breaths

Helps prevent Back pain.

Why Belly breathing will help relax the muscles in your back.

How Lie on your back and breathe through your nose. “Imagine a balloon inside your tummy and, as you breathe in, try to fill the balloon with air,” says Hazel. “As you exhale, allow the balloon to deflate.” After 5-10 repetition­s, turn over onto your front and repeat.

2. Bridges

Helps prevent Knee pain.

Why “Knee pain is often due to weak glutes or glutes that are not activating

– or else tight glutes or quads,” says Vicki. How Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor. Tilt your pelvis so your back is flat to the floor, then gently squeeze your glutes and push your hips up. Slowly lower your hips and repeat 5-10 times. Fit it in while you’re watching TV.

3. Chin tucks

Helps prevent Stiff neck.

Why These exercises will help to release any tension you’re experienci­ng in your upper back and neck, which can build up if you’re craning towards a computer screen most of the day.

How Nod your head up and down 5-10 times and then turn your chin from side to side 5-10 times.

4. Shoulder rolls

Helps prevent Stiff shoulders.

Why Maintainin­g good shoulder mobility will help with all sorts of household tasks, like vacuuming, as well as improve posture. How Stand upright with your hands by your sides and your feet hip-width apart. Slowly rotate your shoulders forward in big circles 5-10 times. Then repeat the movement backwards 5-10 times.

5. One-legged balance

Helps prevent Falls.

Why Any activity that keeps you on your feet, such as walking, builds your balance, but this will challenge your stability that much further.

How Stand with your feet hip-width apart and lift one foot from the floor. Aim to hold for about 30 seconds, or as long as you can maintain good form. Try it while waiting for the kettle to boil. You should be able to increase duration with practice.

Check with a health profession­al before starting any type of new exercise regime, especially if you’ve been relatively inactive or have a pre-existing condition or injury.

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