Bay of Plenty Times



North & South – A Tale of Two Hemisphere­s

By Sandra Morris, Walker Books, $29.99

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. Author-illustrato­r Sandra Morris contrasts the north and south hemisphere­s in this book with an environmen­tal focus. She takes an animal from each hemisphere in each month and compares it with another one. All the animals illustrate features in the animal kingdom such as camouflage, mating displays, hiberation and migration. The

Southern Hemisphere animals range through New Zealand and Australia to South Africa. It’s a great concept which clearly explains the difference­s between the two hemisphere­s for kids. It also lists their conservati­on status and includes more references and ways kids can help wildlife. The illustrati­ons are beautiful, making this a great book for kids to learn from. Great book to add to a home or school library.

— Ann Kilduff

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