Bay of Plenty Times

Cost of living cash better than nothing

- Luke Kirkness

Alot has been said about the Government’s cost of living payment rollout. The Budget 2022 announceme­nt that it would give $350 to up to 2.1 million New Zealanders could have been a great powerplay but it crashed and burned — kind of.

On Monday, the first of three payments were sent but headlines were quickly dominated by stories of citizens and former residents no longer living in New Zealand receiving the payment.

The payment was pitched as a way to help Kiwis cope with the rising costs of almost everything, which has been associated with high inflation.

People had to be 18 or older, not entitled to receive the Winter Energy Payment, both a New Zealand tax resident and present here, not in prison and having an assessed net income of $70,000 or less in the period April 1, 2021, to March 31, 2022, to get it.

Revenue Minister David Parker

Admittedly, I’m able to get by without the payment.

said it’s estimated about 1 per cent of the approximat­ely 2.1 million people who received the payment were not eligible for it. That means about $7.35 million had been paid out to 21,000 people in error.

He confirmed yesterday a small number of dead people would have been paid because they could not notify the IRD of their death.

This is far from a good look for the Government, especially when the country’s inflation reached a 30-year high in April of 6.9 per cent.

But as someone who qualifies for the payment and saw $116.67 in their bank account on Monday, I’m stoked the Government took some action.

The powers-that-be no doubt were hoping to be seen to be doing something in the face of crisis for those who are struggling right now.

Admittedly, I’m able to get by without the payment and $116.67 won’t go too far but it’s better than nothing.

The bumps in the payment rollout may be viewed as a failure of this Government by some and, to be fair, there are potentiall­y 7.35 million reasons to be upset.

The money I received on Monday went straight into my fuel tank, an expense that’s far more financiall­y draining than it used to be, and I’m thankful.

The reality for many Kiwis is this payment will be a saving grace of sorts or, at the very least, will make a difference in their lives and that’s important to remember before we bash the rollout too much.

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