Bay of Plenty Times

Woman burned during beauty treatment

- Danielle Clent, RNZ

Amother of three says she was left humiliated and unable to hold her baby after a simple beauty treatment left “checkerboa­rd” burn marks to her chest.

The Wellington woman, who wishes not to be named, said she wanted some minor sun damage removed from her face and chest.

It was meant to be a little treat, but instead, the 35-yearold was left with first- and second-degree burns, according to a doctor who saw the woman following the treatment.

The clinic told RNZ it accepted an error made during the treatment resulted in the burns but said all health and safety protocols were followed.

The woman approached House of Beauty Medi Spa near Paremata in October after a recommenda­tion from a friend.

Before meeting her in person, the clinic booked her in for several courses of intense pulsed light (IPL) on her face. The woman told RNZ she experience­d no adverse reaction as a result of those treatments.

The woman had two treatments on her face before her first appointmen­t for her chest on February 8.

She claimed the beauty therapist was running late, asked her to sign a consent form with no consultati­on about working on her chest, failed to do a patch test or clean her skin and did not wear safety glasses.

The beauty therapist also used the machine on a higher setting with no explanatio­n and targeted moles on her chest, the woman said.

Experts spoken to for this story said targeting the woman’s moles created an increased risk of skin cancer.

House of Beauty Medi Spa owner Julie Houghton confirmed the machine was used by the therapist on the wrong setting.

“Unfortunat­ely, during the treatment, the machine setting was incorrect, likely causing the burns she regrettabl­y experience­d. At this stage, our technician was unaware that there was a setting issue.”

Houghton claimed the therapist had followed their standard practices, including a consult prior to starting the treatment and explaining the risks to the client. Houghton also said a patch test on the woman’s skin was not necessary given she had received earlier treatments on her face.

On the drive home, the woman said pain became evident. “It felt like my chest was on fire. I almost had to pull over in my car.”

The woman said no pain had been felt prior because an ice pack was placed directly on her chest to numb the area.

She took Panadol and decided to wait to see how it looked in the morning.

“I woke up and I had burn stripes all over my chest,” she said. “It was horrific. It was terrifying. I was really concerned, and I contacted them.”

She sent photos of the “checkerboa­rd” marks to the business, asking if the reaction was normal.

When she was called the next day, she was told it was “completely normal” and she should put hyaluronic acid on her chest and exfoliate in 10 days.

Another beauty therapist confirmed she had burn marks and questioned why the treatment was being done in summer - as IPL is not recommende­d at this time for some people.

More photos were sent to the clinic the next day as by this time, “I had raised blisters on my chest”.

House of Beauty Medi Spa owner Houghton said the woman had signed a consultati­on form acknowledg­ing she had been advised of the risks, which included possible blistering and scarring.

“While our beauty technician has accepted that she was rushed, she did follow the health and safety protocols.”

Staff told the woman they did not know why her skin had reacted the way it did.

“I was just incredulou­s. I couldn’t believe, you know, I just felt like I wasn’t being taken seriously at all.”

The woman said she was eventually called by another staff member at the clinic and invited to return so they could look at her skin in person.

She claimed the person she met with appeared “flustered” when seeing her burn marks.

He offered her red-light therapy and a near-empty tube of moisturise­r to put on her skin. He again reiterated the burns were nothing to worry about.

The woman said she felt the experience was “so undignifie­d and disrespect­ful … his attitude was so blase´ and it led me to see that my pain and suffering and the burns all over my skin wasn’t even worth an unopened new bottle of product”.

She sought further advice from independen­t industry experts, including Julie Martin from the NZ Board of Profession­al Skin Therapies.

Martin told her the burns were some of the worst she had seen in her career.

“It was really terrifying but I was so appreciati­ve of someone finally telling me the reality of what was in front of me.”

She visited her GP who confirmed the burns were firstand second-degree and recommende­d she see a dermatolog­ist and have a mole map done.

She said the first couple of weeks following the incident were “incredibly painful”. She could not hold her baby on her chest or wear him in the front pack.

“It was so tender, and even wearing a T-shirt was incredibly painful, having any fabric or anything touch the skin and even with breastfeed­ing him, I had to cover his hands with mittens for almost a month. ”

She claimed House of Beauty Medi Spa refused to help pay for any further treatment the woman would need to try and reduce some of the damage.

She said the clinic gave her a $200 refund, and funds to cover a tube of Bepanthen antiseptic cream and one GP visit. The woman felt the clinic showed a “total lack of humanity”.

Houghton said staff deeply sympathise­d with the woman and “greatly regret” what happened. The beauty therapist had also been stood down from IPL treatments until further training was completed, she said.

Houghton said staff promptly contacted the woman to follow-up on concerns and invited her back to be assessed. She accepted the woman being given a nearempty moisturise­r was not appropriat­e.

Houghton said as the woman lodged a claim with ACC the clinic would not pay for her to receive treatment elsewhere, but had offered the expertise of another staff member who she said has a Bachelor of Science in Dermal Therapies qualificat­ion “and a doctorate as well as over 25 years of experience”.

Houghton “unequivoca­lly denied” breaching the woman’s rights and said the clinic took steps to ensure she was treated fairly and respectful­ly.

“We ensure that all our staff and contractor­s are qualified in the area they practice and for any treatments they provide.”

To Houghton’s knowledge, no one else had experience­d the same burns at her clinic.

“We ensure that we have strong protocols to ensure that our clients are safe and receive high-quality service. We regret that [she] was accidental­ly burnt in her treatment, but we have taken steps to review our protocols, treatments, and staff capabiliti­es to ensure that there are no further accidents at the House of Beauty.”


 ?? ?? The woman was left with "checkerboa­rd" burns across her chest.
The woman was left with "checkerboa­rd" burns across her chest.

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