Bay of Plenty Times



A Big Smoke BBQ classic

We love these at home. Nice and simple as it gets into cooler days. This is great barbecue comfort food that combines some amazing flavours.


4x lamb rumps (ask your butcher for these or Gilmours)

The Big Smoke BBQ Raging Lamb Rub or Big Smoke Piranha Pitmaster Rub

Creamy mash:

6 large Agria potatoes

2x parsnip

2x cubes of vegetable stock

carton of buttermilk

100g salted butter

Salsa BBQ beans

1x can of cannellini beans in brine

1x tbsp onion powder

1x tbsp garlic powder

1x tbsp paprika

small jar of jalapenos

2x large brown onions

3x roasted yellow capsicums

2x tbsp brown sugar

2x tbsp New York Cut or cracked pepper

cup Apple cider vinegar

1x can tomato puree

2x tins of Italian chopped tomatoes

bunch celery

1x bag flat-leaf parsley


Prepare and peel potatoes and parsnip for the mash. Place into a pot with water and a small amount of stock. Bring to a boil.

Coat the lamb rumps with Big Smoke BBQ Raging Lamb or Piranha Pirt Master All Purpose Rub. Set aside for 15 minutes and bring to room temperatur­e. Then place them onto the grill/barbecue using indirect heat.

Cook through turning once. Halfway through, cook until the internal temperatur­e reaches 150F. Set aside and cover to rest.

Prepare and finely cut all ingredient­s for the beans and place them into a cast iron pot in the barbecue. Add wood chunks for some extra smoke.

Mash potatoes and parsnips together with buttermilk and more stock powder to taste. Whip until smooth and creamy.

Serve the lamb on a bed of mash, surrounded by barbecue beans.

Unleash your would-be barbecue god or goddess at The Big Smoke BBQ’S four-hour masterclas­s during the Flavours of Plenty Festival on April 14. Learn the secrets of fire management, barbecue methods, temperatur­es, smoking woods, meat selection, and preparatio­n. Visit flavoursof­plentyfest­ival. com. More than 45 events are offered at this year’s festival, backed by Tourism Bay of Plenty.

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