Bay of Plenty Times



We asked members of the Cheaper Ways NZ Facebook page to share their ideas on how to feed hungry adolescent­s.

Alice: My teen loves Korean toast sandwiches. They are made with bread, ham, cheese, and an omelette (use a heaped handful of shredded cabbage, carrot and spring onion). They are good cold, and I can make a few at a time and put them in the freezer.

Jo-anne: Sushi bowls. Use rice, a tin of tuna, a dollop of mayo, a sprinkle of sesame seeds, and roasted seaweed. You could also add chopped greens, cucumber and/or tomato, and sushi ginger.

Maxine: Make plain sushi with carrot, mayo, and microwaved sausage cut up small. It fills the boys up in this house. Another idea is a crustless quiche with bacon, grated veg, cheese and mayo.

Lucy: find high-protein snacks more filling. For example, I make the dough for scrolls out of flour and protein yoghurt rather than pastry.

Jody: My kids love mini tortilla pies. Take a soft tortilla and fit it into a small pie or muffin tin. Add ham, bacon, leftover roast meat or stick to vegetables. Then, one or two eggs (depending on size). Add any extras, like sour cream, tomatoes, spinach, and herbs, and top with cheese, salt, and pepper and bake. You can also use a large wrap as a base and slice it up like a pie.

Rebecca: You can make ramen in the microwave (two-minute noodle soup with an egg cracked to poach). Making miso soup paste with noodles is also easy. You can add whatever protein or veggies you want. Overnight oats are a great meal—try a carrot cake version with grated carrot, apple, spices, sultanas, and maple syrup.

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