Bay of Plenty Times

Anything’s possible in Warriors’ bright future


"The Warriors deserve every ounce of praise, every accolade, every pat on the back. "

This week the Warriors pulled off a move that sent shockwaves through the NRL.

The acquisitio­n of Kiwis captain and Penrith Panthers prop James Fisher-harris on a four-year deal starting in 2025 is not just a transactio­n; it’s a statement of intent, a declaratio­n of ambition from a club on the rise. Fisherharr­is is not merely a player; he is a cornerston­e, a linchpin around which teams are built. Picture a titan on the turf, a player whose presence is felt like a thundercla­p on a clear day.

At the helm of this audacious move is none other than chief executive Cameron George, the man with the plan, whose strategic vision has propelled the Warriors into the spotlight once more. His delight at securing Fisher-harris’s signature is palpable, and rightly so. In the unpredicta­ble world of profession­al sports, such coups are rare indeed.

But let us not overlook the role of head coach Andrew Webster, whose shrewd leadership and tactical acumen have undoubtedl­y played a pivotal role in this acquisitio­n. With Fisher-harris in tow, Webster’s Warriors are poised to shake the very foundation­s of the NRL establishm­ent.

It comes just months after the Warriors announced the signing of State of Origin veteran and twotime grand finalist Kurt Capewell and shows what we’re witnessing isn’t just a flurry of signings but the dawn of a new era for a team that has long grappled with underestim­ation.

What’s the secret sauce behind these signings, you ask? It’s simple: success breeds success. George and Webster are largely to thank for orchestrat­ing this masterpiec­e with finesse but more importantl­y for turning the club around.

After the 2023 season, where the Warriors narrowly missed out on securing a spot in the grand final, it became abundantly clear that something special was brewing in Penrose. Despite falling just short of their ultimate goal, the team’s performanc­e has clearly captured the imaginatio­n of players across the NRL. The electric atmosphere, the passionate fanbase, and the undeniable camaraderi­e within the Warriors’ ranks showcased the magic of playing at Go Media Mt Smart Stadium.

Some might say the Warriors are getting too much praise, that it’s all sunshine and rainbows. But after years of negativity, after being the punching bag of the NRL, this is a welcome change. The Warriors deserve every ounce of praise, every accolade, every pat on the back. They’ve earned it, fair and square.

Beyond the on-field implicatio­ns, these signings represent something far greater. They embody the hopes and dreams of a legion of loyal supporters, who have stood by the Warriors through thick and thin. In Fisher-harris and Capewell, they see not just athletes, but beacons of hope, guiding their team toward a brighter future.

These signings are more than just additions to a roster; they are catalysts for change, igniting a fire within the Warriors’ ranks that cannot be extinguish­ed. In their hands, the fate of the club rests, and with it, the dreams of an entire fanbase.

The journey ahead may be fraught with challenges, but with Fisher-harris, Capewell, and a renewed sense of purpose, the Warriors are ready to rise to the occasion. In doing so, they will not only rewrite the script of NRL history but inspire a generation of fans to believe that anything is possible.

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