Bay of Plenty Times

What activist kids should know about productivi­ty

Dr Bryce Wilkinson looks at the effects and benefits of a growing economy


It is fashionabl­e to see climate as the main threat to the future quality of life of young people today. The word “climate” is commonly followed by “crisis” or “emergency”.

School kids are being organised and encouraged to march the streets. While it is commendabl­e young people are taking an interest in important issues, agitating for uncosted policies assumes New Zealand households have no competing spending priorities.

Any casual glance at our daily news shows that, in fact, spending priorities are an issue. Many household budgets are already stretched.

Poorer countries have even more pressing “here and now” priorities. Life expectanci­es are lower due to hunger, disease and war. Poorly funded education limits future prosperity.

The Copenhagen Consensus Centre in Denmark has taken the lead in pulling together global experts to assess how human wellbeing globally could best be raised with limited resources. Its experts prioritise­d meeting the addressabl­e needs of impoverish­ed countries.

Faster productivi­ty growth is arguably more important for the future wellbeing of young people today and for their children than are climate change measures.

The following calculatio­ns illustrate this possibilit­y. The most alarming and implausibl­e of the United Nation’s climate emission pathways to 2100 is the one it calls RCP 8.5. In a 2019 working paper, the Internatio­nal Monetary Fund calculated that the temperatur­e increases under this pathway would lower world GDP per capita for 2100 by 7.2 per cent. That is relative to what it would be without those increases.

This reduction is the estimated effect of cumulative temperatur­e increases between 2014 and 2100 — 86 years. It amounts to a cut in world GDP per capita growth of 0.08 per cent a year.

Now, imagine the world follows a stagnant, low-growth path for labour productivi­ty until 2100; one so stagnant that real GDP per capita only rises at 0.5 per cent a year. Real GDP per capita in 2100 would be only 54 per cent higher than in 2014. Climate change under RCP 8.5 would cut that growth rate to 0.42 per cent a year but real GDP per capita would still be 43 per cent higher.

There are no grounds even in this dismal scenario for young people to despair.

But the dramatic contrast is with a world that, in the words of the UN’S climate change committee, “places increasing faith in competitiv­e markets, innovation and participat­ory societies to produce rapid technologi­cal progress and developmen­t of human capital”.

Suppose in this world that innovation and investment raise labour productivi­ty fast enough to increase world GDP per capita at an average annual rate of 2.5 per cent a year in the absence of climate change. By 2100, it would be 738 per cent higher than in 2014. If the extreme temperatur­e rises projected under the pathway RCP 8.5 reduced that by 7.2 per cent it would still be 690 per cent higher.

Faster productivi­ty growth makes everything more affordable. More leisure time is more affordable. Climate change response is more affordable. A cleaner environmen­t is more affordable. Better healthcare is more affordable. All the material good things in life are more affordable.

Do the school kids marching on Parliament over climate change understand this?

New Zealand’s low productivi­ty growth is a real threat to their future prosperity (if they stay in New Zealand).

A fortnight ago, Stats NZ released its productivi­ty estimates for the year ended March 2023. Productivi­ty was lower, not higher, than in the previous year.

In the past decade, labour productivi­ty across the sectors that Stats NZ measures grew at a dismal average of 0.6 per cent a year. Contrast that with the decade to 2006, when it was much healthier at 1.9 per cent a year.

This rolling 10-year growth rate has steadily declined since 2006.

Take the gap between generation­s as being 30 years. If New Zealand’s labour productivi­ty grew by 2 per cent a year for the next 30 years, the average annual household income from salaries and wages could increase from $83,000 last year to $150,000 in constant dollars. However, at a sluggish annual rate of 0.6 per cent, which is currently more likely, it might only reach $99,000.

That represents a major difference in the next generation’s ability to afford a higher standard of living, a cleaner environmen­t and more leisure.

Today’s activist school kids should be informed that these choices have major intergener­ational implicatio­ns.

If New Zealand were more open to overseas investment, attracting more capital per worker would be easier.

Red tape can be reduced to encourage innovation.

Improving educationa­l outcomes for kids is vital, with school attendance dismal and average literacy and numeracy outcomes alarming.

Nor is it just schoolchil­dren who need to understand the importance of embracing change and innovation.

The message in the latest productivi­ty statistics is: “Wake up New Zealand.”

Today’s activist school kids should be informed that these choices have major intergener­ational implicatio­ns.

 ?? Photo / Michael Craig ?? Faster productivi­ty growth is more important than climate change measures for the future wellbeing of kids today, the author argues. Written by the New Zealand Initiative’s Dr Bryce Wilkinson.
Photo / Michael Craig Faster productivi­ty growth is more important than climate change measures for the future wellbeing of kids today, the author argues. Written by the New Zealand Initiative’s Dr Bryce Wilkinson.

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