Boating NZ

The Ides of March

- Lawrence Schäffler Editor

Like most New Zealanders, I’m wrestling with a complex cocktail of emotions tumbling through my mind following the unspeakabl­e atrocity that rocked Christchur­ch on Friday, March 15. Bewilderme­nt, sorrow, compassion, repugnance, anger – it’s a toxic confusion, clouded, above all, by disbelief. How the hell did this happen? This is not the New Zealand I’ve come to know and love – with its freedom, its welcoming people, its tolerance, its diversity, the friendly smiles, the uncomplica­ted lifestyle. All changed in a 15-minute slaughter. What another, awful blow for Christchur­ch, a city just beginning to claw its way back from the devastatio­n caused by a series of catastroph­ic earthquake­s. This cruel irony’s reflected in multiple ways and on multiple levels. Many of the victims were immigrants – like me – looking for a better, more peaceful life. Until March 15, they thought they’d found paradise.

The irony extends even to this very issue of the magazine. Matt Vance’s piece – River of Healing – sketches the optimism of a group of paddlers celebratin­g the post-quake recovery of the Avon River as it meanders its way through the city. It would be hard for them not to be feeling a little hollow right now.

And yet, I have faith. We have to – the alternativ­e doesn’t bear thinking about. We are a resilient people. We cannot – must not – allow this act of insanity to reshape our lives. As our PM observed, this nutter represents everything we are not. We will rise above this.

March 15, by a sinister twist of fate, is a date that’s carried ominous overtones for more than 2,000 years. In Roman times it was called the ‘Ides of March’ – a day filled, ironically, with religious observance­s. More prosaicall­y, it was also the annual deadline for all citizens to settle their debts.

Most notoriousl­y though, in 44BC it was the day on which Julius Caesar was assassinat­ed – betrayed and stabbed in the back by a bunch of his most trusted senators. This event is famously portrayed in William Shakespear­e’s play – Julius Caesar – where a seer warns Caesar to “beware the Ides of March.” To his peril, he ignores the warning. The Ides of March have ever since been associated with devastatin­g events and chaotic change.

Caesar’s death was a turning point in Roman history. It not only marked the end of democracy and the Roman Republic, it spawned decades of civil unrest and centuries of totalitari­anism.

It’s hard to imagine Christchur­ch – and the wider New Zealand – emerging unscarred from March 15, 2019. But we have to banish the betrayal and embrace the goodwill that lives on.

Ma’a Salama – go in peace.

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