Boating NZ

Boat brief

Island Cruising NZ


Our first job, says Nigel Richards, was to change the brand name to Island Cruising NZ, or ICNZ. “A fresh start to our new ideas. As a liveaboard family, we hope to encourage more families to make the seasonal excursion to the South West Pacific.” The family lives aboard its Roberts 53 yacht – Varekai – moored in Whangarei Town Basin.

During the first season under new management Island Cruising NZ assisted 33 boats through the Kingdom of Tonga, the largest fleet ever to arrive at Nuku’alofa. With a mixture of mono, multihulls and a 22m launch, the fleet enjoyed a cruise through the three island groups, assisted by the Tongan Ministry of Tourism which also wanted to be involved.

The company aims to encourage first-time offshore cruisers

to make the journey north. “We derived huge satisfacti­on last year watching a few newbies ‘fly the nest’,” says Richards. “With favourable trade winds some headed north through Niuatoputa­pu to Samoa before heading for Fiji.”

He is now in the final preparatio­ns for the 2019 Pacific Circuit Rally, which will visit Tonga, Fiji, via clearance in the Lau group, Vanuatu and finally New Caledonia before returning to New Zealand. Clearance will be undertaken in the Loyalty Islands before visiting the Southern Lagoon and Grand Terre.

Interest in the rally, he adds, has been overwhelmi­ng with more than 40 vessels registered. Next year will see the first rallies into Vanuatu and New Caledonia for a longer visit in each country. BNZ

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ABOVE One big happy family, sharing the magic of bluewater cruising.
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