Bush Telegraph

Lions club entertains at Marion Kennedy Centre


The power of music is known to have a positive effect on people with dementia because it taps into long-term memories and happier times.

When Dannevirke’s Lions Pride performed a selection of the old wartime songs to the Marion Kennedy Club just a week ago, the group joined in with gusto. Lions said they had as much fun as the group did seeing the joy they created.

Lions were supporting a programme organised by Alzheimers Manawatu, which helps both the person with dementia and those providing care.

MKC Club runs every Thursday from 10am-3pm in the Dannevirke Band Rooms. Both paid staff and volunteers provide a therapeuti­c programme that supports brain function, a social stimulatio­n programme and exercise for people with dementia.

Anyone suffering from dementia is welcome. Staff emphasise that referrals often come when the person’s dementia is quite advanced, often due to a crisis, when earlier referrals would have had the biggest value for them. Early support and interventi­on make a huge difference to living well with this disease even if it is sporadic initially, staff say.

“For those who know someone with dementia or someone caring, please do not abandon them, they both need support from you,” says Donna Hedley, manager of the Marion Kennedy Club.

“So often friends and sometimes even family disappear so if you want to know how to help someone contact us, we can help.”

Dementia is slowly becoming more recognised by the community, she says. To promote its importance and treatment, Alzheimers Manawatu is holding a Walk of Remembranc­e in Dannevirke September 10.

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