Bush Telegraph

Santa, Really? She’s Not Looking Too Flash!


Santa, cuz! Remember that B&W Christmas list we did? Back in 2016 Get ready for part 2! Remember you were going to have a few words with the man upstairs? I tried to talk to him personally but apparently you are now his team leader. The list consisted of 8 major goals, and unfortunat­ely we haven’t achieved a single one of them. Really?! I think I should have given you a written warning for this! But, given that festive season is upon us, I’ll give you a second shot at this. POLITICAL CORRECTNES­S – Really, this country is run by a bunch of kindergart­en kids who squabble over who plays with who, who can out do who, and who can throw the most $$$ at a problem. Politician­s mate – voted in to be paid to sit there and tell a pack of lies and put bandaids over problems instead of nutting out long term solutions. HEALTH – The good are dying young…how is this still happening? Santa, honestly, our health system SUCKS. Staffing and funding levels are stretched to the limits whilst hospital department­s are bursting at the seams and dealing with more cases at both extremes – people with common colds presenting in ED claiming they’re dying and those dying are still waiting to be seen! We spent millions of dollars doing stupid reviews on a problem we already knew was there, but cannot spend the money on improving the found issues. Yet we can find the money to poison the country that we love – but don’t get me started on that… RESPECT, HONESTY, LOYALTY – These are words we hear an awful lot about, but the trouble is that nobody actually understand­s them anymore. RESPECT - is earnt. It is not a God given right. Respect your elders, peers, and yourself. Give respect until someone deems themselves disrespect­ful. LOYALTY - That’s a curly one isn’t it! Well you don’t hear much of that anymore. Perhaps we might need to throw a dictionary to some of these people because their interpreta­tion of it is different to mine! HONESTY - If you ask me a question I will honestly tell you what I think. Don’t run the other way and have a sook if that is not what you want to hear – not everything is personal. BLACK AND WHITE – Let’s say what we mean, mean what we say & cut to the chase. Be straight up! Life is too short to have grey areas. Put all your cards on the table and stop being a pansy. Because we certainly are breeding them in this country now! HUMILITY – LIFE IS SHORT – BE WHO YOU ARE! You are not special – we are all the same. Make the most of every opportunit­y, do great things, but stay humble. Get out there and get it done. Do not let doubt be your biggest enemy. Alright Santa, I think that is a good start to a wish list! Think of these as your KPI’s to move forward with. We will review them again this time next year… Seriously though, guys! I would like to thank everybody in the Tararua for their ongoing support. It really is a great place to live! The team at Dave’s Sports n Outdoors would like to wish everybody a safe and merry Christmas, and to remind you that this time of year is about two very important things: Family… and my till of course! Which will hopefully runneth over, bringing joy to the IRD all across the land… Cheers, Dave. P.S as per usual, I promise I won’t shoot your reindeer!

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