Bush Telegraph

Waireka Trust grant to Menzshed blokes


Menzshed Pahiatua is settled in now after moving to Gleeson’s building in Jervois Road a year ago. The membership stands at 12 and is open to new members 18 and over.

Waireka Trust approved a grant for the Menzshed to purchase a sawbench which the men say has been a great help.

The shed is open on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 1.30pm to 4pm.

“There is a compulsory tea break at 3pm where members solve the world’s problems,” said Chair Ken Russell. The Menzshed provides good camaraderi­e.

“We got back to normal in September last year, but we need to pay rent and power and have no cash reserves.

“We are cutting up old pallets and crates for firewood and kindling as a fundraiser.

“We are sharpening garden hand tools — spades, axes and secateurs also as a source of income,” he said.

There have been donations of equipment from sheds where men have given up wood working or have retired and can no longer use the gear.

Community projects on the go include repair, cleaning and painting of bench seats in Main Street. A few jobs at Tararua College include making barbecue tables.

They are also refurbishi­ng the fixed water wheel at Pahiatua Museum.

 ??  ?? Kevin Shaw, Ken Russell (Chair) and Craig Wordsworth with the sawbench bought from a Waireka Trust grant.
Kevin Shaw, Ken Russell (Chair) and Craig Wordsworth with the sawbench bought from a Waireka Trust grant.

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