Bush Telegraph

10 Wise Ways to Conserve Water


Itos the little things that make a huge difference when it comes to water conservati­on. Tararua District Council is encouragin­g you to do your part with these #10wiseways to conserve water this summer.

#1. Cook food in as little water as possible (this also helps it retain more nutrients!).

#2. Turning off the water while you brush your teeth can save up to 15 litres a minute. Thatos up to 750 litres a week for a family of four!

#3. Using a broom instead of a hose to clean patios, sidewalks and driveways will save water every time!

#4. Know where your master water shut-off valve is located. Were a pipe to burst, this could save litres of water and prevent damage. #5. Flushing the toilet uses between 5 and 12 litres every time s flush when you need to and avoid using the bog as a bin!

#6. Be a leak detective! A dripping tap can waste up to 90 litres of water per week. Check all hoses, connectors, and faucets regularly for leaks.

#7. Showers are one of the biggest culprits in the home for water usage, shortening your shower by a minute or two can save up to 500 litres per month s even turning off the water while washing your hair can make a huge difference.

#8. Wait until you have a full load of washing before using your washing machine. A full load uses less water than two half loads.

#9.Watering the garden in the heat of the day can cause leaf burn and excessive evaporatio­n, wait until a cooler time of the day before watering plants or gardens.

#10. When you find yourself with really grubby hands, fill the basin rather than washing under the running tap.

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