Bush Telegraph

Explore history in Manawatu¯ Gorge


Eight trips through the Manawatu¯ Gorge by the Pahiatua Railcar RM31 gave nearly 500 people the chance to reunite with features that they used to take for granted.

Naturally it was a different perspectiv­e from the times when they drove the road but the features were still there and viewers were really surprised there were so few slips, the only one noticeable near Kerry’s Wall.

The rocks continue to fall with no prospect of the slopes stabilisin­g, requiring the creation of a new alternativ­e route.

The Pahiatua Railcar Society ran three return trips though to Ashhurst from Woodville on Saturday and five on Sunday, it being booked for two trips to Mangataino­ka from Pahiatua by the local car club on Saturday.

The purpose of the Gorge trips was to raise funds for the continued running of the Society and members had souvenirs for sale on the Woodville Station to raise extra cash.

The Woodville Railway Preservati­on Society also took the chance to fundraise with a barbecue, a raffle and Devonshire teas which were popular.

Chairman Jim Worboys says his team of volunteers has already replaced smashed windows and tarnished novaroof, demolished eight chimneys and rebuilt internal guttering to the tune of $17,000 with a lot more to come as more problems emerge, but thanks to a Kiwi Rail donation of $36,000 the job is well underway.

Local historian Alan Brabender kept up an amusing and informativ­e commentary during the trip pointing out geographic features and the history of the railway which once had two lines.

It was once used by a former Governor General to access a good fishing spot and had had three train derailment­s in its history.

 ??  ?? Pahiatua Railcar RM31 pulls in to Woodville Station on its return journey to Ashhurst on Sunday February 23.
Pahiatua Railcar RM31 pulls in to Woodville Station on its return journey to Ashhurst on Sunday February 23.
 ??  ?? The old road bridge.
The old road bridge.
 ??  ?? The huge slip which blocked the gorge in 2011.
The huge slip which blocked the gorge in 2011.
 ??  ?? The rock Potaehinet­ewhaiwa which to Rangitane connects two worlds.
The rock Potaehinet­ewhaiwa which to Rangitane connects two worlds.
 ??  ?? The latest slip near Kerry’s Wall.
The latest slip near Kerry’s Wall.

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