Cambridge Edition

Finding solutions for runners, walkers

Personal trainer Alison Storey begins her weekly column,


glutes and hip flexors are concerned, and of course you can get cardio work done on a bike to maintain aerobic fitness. Not such good news is that you usually have to spend twice as long on a bike to get the same effect as a running session due to the lack of weight bearing on a bike.

Q: I have a big walking event in a couple of weeks and I’ve had that lurgy that’s been doing the rounds so have been out of routine with my weights programme (and my walking to be honest). I’m a bit anxious that if I get back in to it just before the event, I may be too sore for the walk! What’s your thoughts?

A: You’re right to be anxious. Research would say it actually only takes a couple of days of being out of a training regime to ‘‘de-train’’ and lose about a week’s worth of adaptation­s. Which all sounds a bit ugly, however there is only one way back from injury and illness and that is in a careful and considered manner. Laws of training say that DOMS (delayed onset muscles soreness) usually kicks in about 48 hours after a workout, so if you haven’t done weights in a while I would suggest you don’t pick that up again two days before your event for that reason. I would however advise that you get back in to the walking as soon as you feel okay to do so, as that has to be your priority for now by the sounds of it.

-Alison Storey is a personal trainer who has represente­d New Zealand in beach volleyball, rowing and rhythmic gymnastics. She has been awarded New Zealand Personal Trainer of the Year twice and runs Storey Sport, a mobile personal and sports training business which provides a range of services that optimise the fitness and wellbeing of its clients.


Do you have any questions for Alison? You can contact her via her website storeyspor­ or email her on: alison@storeyspor­

 ??  ?? Injured runners can maintain their speed through cycling.
Injured runners can maintain their speed through cycling.
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