Cambridge Edition

Cambridge company fulfills its promise


‘‘For some, this was the first time they had any item of clothing which was theirs from the beginning’’

To give to someone who had never owned new clothing before was an emotional but rewarding experience for a young Cambridge couple.

When Nick Thomas and Gina Veloz set up their baby wear company, Little Givers, their dream was to follow the principles of US shoe company.

Toms Shoes pioneered the buy one, give one model, where a pair of shoes were donated to a child for every pair sold.

‘‘Every 12 months Little Givers planned to distribute the same number of baby wear products sold to children in need from Ecuador and New Zealand,’’ said Thomas.

Recently the business teamed up with Auckland charity De Paul House, where they distribute­d bibs, bodysuits and blankets to 50 families.

Veloz said it was an overwhelmi­ng experience.

‘‘For some, this was the first time they had any item of clothing which was theirs from the beginning’’

She explained how Little Govers was looking for an aid agency in her home country Ecuador, to assist up to 200 families.

‘‘Ecuador is a very poor country and next year I cannot wait to see the faces of people when we distribute our products there.

‘‘This will make it all worth- while for me.

‘‘In Ecuador, poverty came to our door in the form of children knocking and asking for food. Little Givers

‘‘There are children on the streets without clothing and without food to eat.

‘‘I have always thought about how I can give more to families in need, but until now, I didn’t have the resources to do it.’’

Thomas said their first year exceeded expectatio­ns with the brand and the concept catching on and seeing customers return.

The couple will continue selling their quality baby clothing, from their website and at markets around Cambridge.

Thomas is looking into different ways of increasing sales volume.

‘‘The more product we sell, the more people we are able to help,’’ he said.

‘‘This is in some small way we can make a difference in someone’s life.’’

 ??  ?? Little Giver Gina Lopez (right) sorts through products with De Paul House administra­tion manager Lauren Walker. Gina Veloz
Little Giver Gina Lopez (right) sorts through products with De Paul House administra­tion manager Lauren Walker. Gina Veloz

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