Cambridge Edition




1 Undecided elector (8,5)

8 Sudden (6)

14 At hand (5)

15 Precious metal (8)

16 Paper hankies (7)

17 Around (5)

18 Facial twitch (3)

19 Root vegetable (7)

21 Issue (9)

22 Shine (6)

25 From this time on (10)

27 Soaked (8)

28 Universe (6)

31 Accounts-keeping ship’s

33 Soapy spheres (7)

34 Comment (6)

35 Says further (4)

37 Mined rock (3)

39 Peak of perfection (4)

40 Flabbergas­t (7)

41 Sixth sense (9)

42 Green gem (7)

43 Royal person (8)

48 Holidaymak­er’s communicat­ion (8)

52 Of the heart (7)

56 The existing state of

57 Liable to sudden unpredicta­ble change (7)

58 Dry (4)

59 Gratuity (3)

60 Islamic chieftain (4)

61 Go back on a deal (6)

62 Supporter’s badge (7)

63 Cricket team (6)

65 Old gun (6)

66 Looks over carefully (8)

68 Horse or dog track (10)

71 Large birdcage (6)

72 Truce (9)

74 Suddenly comprehend­ed (7)

76 Passenger vehicle (3)

79 Slight colouring (5)

80 Staying power (7)

81 Lozenge (8)

83 Thrill (5)

84 Of service (6)

85 Unexpected rejection or


2 Feel raw (anag) (7)

3 Paper money (5)

4 Public house (3)

5 Plucky (4)

6 Unexpected­ly (3,2,3,4)

7 Alleviates (5)

8 A deadly poison (7)

9 Boulder (4)

10 Chase (6)

11 Strong point, speciality (5)

12 Gets to (7)

13 Argumentat­ive (11)

14 Illustrati­on title (7)

20 Madden (9)

23 Is butter (anag)(8)


26 Water tank (7)

27 Mislead (6)


30 Small cave (6)

32 Open sore (5)

34 Of the kidneys (5)

36 Church council (5)

38 Forsake (4)

43 Skiing slope (5)

44 Sloping letters (7)

45 Hint (4)

46 Film, book continuing a previous storyline (6)

47 Corny (5)

48 Forbearanc­e (8)

49 Something unreasonab­ly held to be above criticism (6,3)

50 French castle (7)

51 River in Europe (5)

52 An analgesic drug (7)

53 Unworkable (11)


55 Scribe’s complaint (7,5)

64 Depart from an accepted standard or convention (7)

65 Children’s game (7)

67 Sunshade (7)

69 Varnish ingredient (7)

70 Planet (6)

71 Ore test (5)

73 Spin (5)

75 Heartbreak (5)

77 Meat from cow (4)

78 Bridge (4)

82 Fifth note (3)



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