Central Leader



The Breast Cancer Aotearoa Coalition is a charity run by breast cancer survivors.

It is committed to making world-class detection, treatment and care accessible to all those affected by breast cancer in New Zealand. It has more than 30 breast cancerrela­ted member organisati­ons and aims to:

Support and empower those diagnosed with breast cancer and their family, whanau and friends, by providing informatio­n and resources to make choices about treatment

Provide a voice for women diagnosed with breast cancer

Inform and advocate for timely access to world-class breast cancer care, including treatments (surgery, radiothera­py, management of sideeffect­s and self-care) and psychosoci­al care

Consult and engage with Maori and Pasifika women to identify and promote breast cancer issues that could improve outcomes in these communitie­s. Each year

About 2800 New Zealand women will be diagnosed with breast cancer

About 25 New Zealand men will be diagnosed with breast cancer

There are 650 women who will die from breast cancer in New Zealand, two every day

About 5 to 10 per cent of breast cancers are hereditary but most are in women with no family history.

Go to breast cancer.org.nz.

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