Central Leader

ADD - a hidden superpower in business


Chris McKinney has good days and bad days.

The Ponsonby resident was diagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) when he was 18 years old and has been managing it ever since.

ADD and ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactiv­e Disorder) affects 2-5 per cent of all children.

While some children may grow out of it, between 50 and 70 per cent will have symptoms causing impairment as they head into adulthood.

ADHD New Zealand chair Darrin Bull says it is important to understand the power of ADHD rather than focusing on the negatives.

The inaugural ADHD Awareness Day is on October 30. A conference is being held at Ellerslie Event Centre for parents, teachers and specialist­s to hear about the latest research and understand the support that is available out there.

McKinney has only come to terms with the disorder in the last couple of years and began to understand it.

Although growing up with ADD, McKinney was unaware he had it, however he has now learnt to manage.

‘‘I don’t think I’ve managed it well all the time, but I’ve found a really solid way to manage it.

‘‘Fundamenta­lly it comes down to self-esteem and exercising ... I’ve dropped 15kg which has made me feel better about myself and exercise produces dopamine which I don’t have enough of.’’

McKinney occasional­ly uses medication but it’s only when he gets overloaded at work.

‘‘I think I get to a point where I can’t manage it, Ritalin helps me to do that but it also takes a bit of me away and that’s why I like to exercise and eat healthy.’’

McKinney thinks the condition is poorly understood and would like to see increased awareness.

He says he’s been labelled as ‘‘lazy’’ but due to the disorder he will forget things and be late.

‘‘I reckon there needs to be heaps more done with kids and in schools to teach them they’re not bad or stupid and learn to embrace all the good parts and manage the bad parts.’’

The managing director has learnt to manage the things he’s good at and delegate the tasks he’s not.

‘‘I guess I wouldn’t not have it, I love who I am and I like the way I think and act.’’

Go to adhdawaren­essday.nz for more informatio­n.

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