Central Leader

Trendy drinking is not drinking


Heineken Zero was one of the first big players to put its faith in zero per cent beer.

It seems the more people you know who are cutting back and choosing non-alcoholic drinks, the more likely it becomes for you to stop drinking too.

The fastest growing trend in drinking is not drinking.

Celebs are doing it, 1 in 5 millennial­s are doing it, 50% of us are saying we are actively trying to cut back.

Alcohol consumptio­n is declining globally. The lo/no alcohol segment is now 3.5% of total alcohol and set to grow 34% by 2024.

Expedited by Covid and a focus on wellness, there now seems to be a full-blown moderation movement happening.

Not drinking is rapidly becoming a badge of aspiration. It says ‘‘I am taking care of myself, I am making positive choices’’.

Celebrity non-drinkers include musician Pharrell Williams, comedian Sarah Silverman, actor Gerard Butler, businesswo­man Naomi Campbell, actress Blake Lively and actress Natalie Portman, with several starting their own brands.

It seems we are all under the influence of influencer­s.

Kelman’s Social Influencer Theory explains that there are three phases that can lead to social change. First is compliance – the need for approval. Then there is identifica­tion – when you adopt the new behaviour. The third is internalis­ation – when you start to feel the rewards and you become an influencer yourself.

Covid has had an influence too. And like Covid, not drinking appears to be infectious.

New Zealand-based alcohol free drinks company AF Drinks has been tracking what it is calling the AF number.

‘‘It is like the R number for Covid,’’ says James Hurman, a founding member of AF Drinks.

‘‘And is based on how many close contacts you have who are choosing to drink less, or who stop drinking completely.

‘‘Research shows that the more people you know who’ve cut back, the more likely you are to join them. New Zealand’s AF number has increased from 0.84 to 0.94 in the past year, and we believe that once the number grows past 1.0, we’ll see an exponentia­l increase and alcohol-freedom becoming an epidemic.’’

It seems the more people you know who are cutting back and choosing non-alcoholic drinks, the more likely it becomes for you to stop drinking too.

What we are now seeing across New Zealand is a rapid change in attitude and behaviour. This is being served with a rapidly expanding choice of new drinks.

Alcohol companies, especially beer companies are also getting into it. Heineken Zero was one of the first big players to put its faith in zero per cent beer.

That faith has been rewarded with drinkers happily choosing the zero option, or even switching between the full strength beer and the zero option mid-session.

In New Zealand, retailers are seeing a category that did not exist before Covid, now occupying its own space with Zero Zones popping up in stores all over the country, as well as new businesses being set up to cater for this market, such as AF Drinks and online alcohol free stores Freasy and Clearhead.

❚ This article is published in associatio­n with AF Drinks as part of a commercial arrangemen­t between Stuff and AF Drinks.

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