CHB Mail

Scaling triple peaks

Don’t miss Adam Green and Megan Banks on The Hits Hawke’s Bay from 6am to 9am, Monday to Friday


It was with great intentions I went into 2019. “Just a few weeks off exercise, for the Christmas break, then back into the gym,” I told myself.

Is it still just a few weeks if we are halfway through the third month of the year?

Every Wednesday I tell myself it’s time to go back. Then the little voice inside says “You may as well wait until Monday, can’t start in the middle of the week.” I needed something to get me off my bum and back into exercise. And I found it!

We are so fortunate in Hawke’s Bay to have a combinatio­n of fantastic weather, beautiful outdoor spaces, delicious food and beverage options and a top location to host all sorts of different and wonderful events. We are also fortunate at The Hits to be a part of said events, and I’ve seen a few lately that have given me inspiratio­n.

The Triple Peaks finish line being one of them, sitting in the bright evening sun and watching those incredible athletes cross the line after 50-plus hard claimed kilometres, still smiling I thought — “I’ve got to climb some peaks of my own”.

So I’ve started small. The three stairs up my front porch were the first hurdle in my way, but I conquered that multiple times in the day. Do three climbs count as three peaks I pondered? No. I must do more.

The stairs up to the studio. Two flights, instead of the lift. I was admittedly slightly puffed after climbing this peak, having been about 10 times bigger than my first, but I made it! It was directly to the work kitchen to rehydrate with three coffees.

It was time for the third and biggest peak. Where could I find a challenge larger, I thought . . . Farmers . . . no, they are escalators and would carry me to the heights.

The fire escape! A whole extra floor to climb, I stood at the bottom, gazing into the sky. This is what Ed must have felt like at the base of Everest.

I bravely ventured on to the first step. Making my way past the halfway point there was a seed of doubt in my mind. Is that a knee strain I felt? I pushed on.

Climbing, panting, exhausted, I reached the top. And, arms raised to the air like Rocky Balboa, celebrated my triple achievemen­t. Next week, after watching the Tremains Tri, I move to the Try-athlon where I try my best to actually exercise. Can’t start now, it’s not a Monday.

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