CHB Mail

Revue change of pace for drama club cast

Adult show but family pantomime scheduled for November


Waipawa Musical and Dramatic Club is working on two new shows for 2021. First up, in August, is something completely different for the club — a musical revue entitled West End to Waipawa — Musical Theatre Through the Ages.

The concept for the show was the brainchild of committee member Helen Griffin. The show will be held in the Concert Chambers at CHB Municipal Theatre, rather than in the main theatre itself, and seating will be cabaret style, at candlelit tables, with platters available to purchase along with tickets.

This is a departure in style for the club, which has hosted several large musical shows in recent years, including Phantom of the Opera and Mamma Mia!

This year’s show will be a more intimate setting, in the smaller space of the Concert Chambers, but will be a real treat for lovers of musical theatre, with many favourite songs featured.

The cast of 26 has started rehearsing under the watchful eyes of joint directors Jon Fletcher and Sarah Robinson.

The show will be performed from August 19-22 and August 26-28, all shows at 7.30pm, apart from the performanc­e on Sunday, August 22, which starts at 4pm.

Show tickets are $35 plus booking fee, with platters for two available to purchase for $30.75. Platters will go

on sale three days before each performanc­e. This show is aimed at an adult audience, with the pantomime later in the year being a more familyorie­ntated show.

For the pantomime in November the club has another traditiona­l show

planned. It’s Aladdin, once again written especially for the club by Sir Roger Hall. There will be lots of local references in the show, with all the usual pantomime capers to be expected. Keep an eye on the club’s Facebook page for more informatio­n.

 ??  ?? If you liked last year’s pantomime, featuring these two as the Ugly Sisters, get ready for this year’s production.
If you liked last year’s pantomime, featuring these two as the Ugly Sisters, get ready for this year’s production.

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