CHB Mail

Ricky’s story of sadness and trauma

- — Margaret Reilly

The Improbable Life of Ricky Bird

By Diane Connell, Simon & Schuster

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.. .. .. .. Ricky Bird loved making up stories for her little brother Ollie. The stories were full of fantasy. Ricky would let her imaginatio­n run riot and Ollie delighted in them all.

However, what was happening in their real life had taken an unexpected turn. Their father, not known to be the most reliable, had had an affair which had lead to an unexpected pregnancy. He had left the family and moved in with his new girlfriend.

In the meantime Ricky's mother had met Dan who actually had a job and to be nearer to her new boyfriend had uprooted the children from their home in Brixton and moved to a housing estate in Camden.

Twelve-year-old Ricky felt this upheaval keenly. She was struggling with both puberty and sexual identity issues. She missed her father, her old friends and old school. She was a top student.

She was devastated when Ollie became ill and later hospitalis­ed. As Ollie's health deteriorat­ed her mother spent more time at the hospital leaving Ricky in the care of her mother's boyfriend.

In an effort to belong to the girl gang of the estate one incident came to the attention of Dan, supposedly looking after her. He promised not to worry her mother, but she owed him. Feeling neglected by her father, upset about Ollie neglected by her mother, and detesting Dan

Ricky's behaviour spiralled. A visit from the police brought consequenc­es.

I read some reviews comparing this book with Man called Ove, Eleanor Oliphant and others.

One reviewer said “heartbreak­ingly funny. “I would just say heartbreak­ing.

Reading this I felt angry with the parents, the dad who appeared charming and funny and completely unreliable and Ricky's mum, who was happy to leave her 12-year-old daughter in the care of her new boyfriend she knew her daughter was uneasy with.

By the end of the story I am sure things will be better for Ricky and her mum, but rather glossed over the trauma I feel Ricky will have to deal with. The writing is superb.

But it was a sad story and a situation for many children, hopefully not a Dan for their mother's new partner.

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