CHB Mail

New tools in fight needle grass threat

Invasive plant pest can cause blindness in livestock


Newly published research says Chilean needle grass, if nothing is done to stop it, could spread through most of New Zealand and eventually cost the country over a billion dollars.

Chilean needle grass (Nassella neesiana) is known to have already taken hold in Hawke’s Bay and Central Hawke’s Bay, Canterbury, and Marlboroug­h.

Its sharp, penetratin­g seeds cause blindness in livestock, pelt and carcass damage, and the loss in pasture quality and grazing access leads to farm production taking a financial hit.

Chilean needle grass is one of about 22,000 species of introduced plants in New Zealand.

The scientific challenge is to identify those that pose an economic or environmen­tal threat before they become widespread.

These “sleeper weeds” can then be prioritise­d by authoritie­s such as regional councils and the Department of Conservati­on for management to prevent their spread.

Sleeper weeds are introduced plant species that are reproducin­g in the wild, but in small numbers with no noticeable impact. Their population­s tick along in the background until the right pollinator or environmen­tal conditions activate them.

Once the sleeper weeds “awaken” and become more noticeable in the environmen­t, it can be too late, and their population­s explode.

“The exciting part is that we now have the ability through our research to develop models and tools to identify sleeper weeds, predict how and where they will spread in a changing climate, and estimate the economic and environmen­tal damage that would result,” AgResearch principal scientist Dr Graeme Bourdot said.

“We’ve worked with Manaaki Whenua-Landcare Research on analysing management scenarios for sleeper pests in general. We are currently working with regional councils, DoC and the Ministry of Primary Industries to develop a web-based tool that will enable informed decisions about investing in sleeper weed management programmes.”

The newly published research about Chilean needle grass in the science journal PLOS One, by Bourdot and AgResearch colleague Dr Chris Buddenhage­n, combined climate niche modelling (to estimate the potential range of the species in New Zealand) and a spread model (to estimate the future economic losses under a “do nothing” scenario) to determine the benefits of stopping the spread.

“This bio-economic modelling reveals that a nationally co-ordinated approach to managing Chilean needle grass makes best economic sense. This would include surveillan­ce in susceptibl­e regions and control measures in the infested regions.”

Auckland Council principal adviser biosecurit­y Dr Imogen Bassett welcomes the research.

“We know it is much more costeffect­ive for us to act early, to prevent future weed invasions than to deal with them once they become widespread,” Bassett says. The full research paper, The cost of doing nothing about a sleeper weed — Nassella neesiana in New Zealand, is available to read at: article?id=10.1371/journal. pone.0295574

 ?? ?? Chilean needle grass (Nassella neesiana) is known to have taken hold in Hawke’s Bay and Central Hawke’s Bay.
Chilean needle grass (Nassella neesiana) is known to have taken hold in Hawke’s Bay and Central Hawke’s Bay.
 ?? ?? The sharp, penetratin­g seeds of Chilean needle grass cause blindness in livestock, and pelt and carcass damage.
The sharp, penetratin­g seeds of Chilean needle grass cause blindness in livestock, and pelt and carcass damage.

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