Eastern Bays Courier

More flowers and more fountains


highlights the significan­ce of this iconic cone. It is used by walkers, runners and motorists, but strangely few cyclists. By far, motorists and their passengers are the most frequent users. They sit in their cars in all weathers often in their lunchtime break. The area has a sense of grandeur. Many are visitors from beyond Auckland. Any time, if you look up at the car park during daylight hours there are cars in the parking area. lawn into a wildflower meadow. First, it is absolutely lovely to see in bloom. The colours can change depending on what is planted. Another great thing about them is they require little water to keep them going. When everyone else’s lawn is dying off your meadow will keep going. Plus all those lovely insects attracted by the flowers will go forth and pollinate your tomatoes and cucumbers and fruit trees.

The big one of course would have to be no mowing. While the hum of everyone else’s lawn mowers can be heard you can be sitting back and admiring your garden. LYNN RYDER Ellerslie

Yes, it’s a no-brainer if you want wildlife in your garden. Make space for nature and nature will leave space for you. LOUISE WALLER Mt Wellington


Letters and emails should not exceed 250 words and must have full name, residentia­l address and phone number. The editor reserves the right to edit and abridge. Opinions must be genuinely held by the letter writer. Letters and emails may be referred to others for right of reply before publicatio­n. Please email News Director John Anthony edcl@snl.co.nz

 ?? SUPPLIED ?? Mt Wellington.
SUPPLIED Mt Wellington.

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