Eastern Bays Courier

Vaccinatio­ns, sugar tax, cat culling


A lot of people can’t afford healthy kai. ANAWARES Mt Wellington

Kids and people drinking gallons of soft drinks is the worst thing. They should ban it. Soft drinks are one of the reasons why we have the highest diabetes in the world, it’s worse than processed foods. ABEGREENWO­OD St Johns got sick and it was preventabl­e and even worse if it was a type of sickness that could be spread to others.

It’s a personal and informed choice for me.


Instead of killing them why not catch them and put your hand in your pocket and send them to the SPCA to be microchipp­ed and allowed to be rehomed.

I am a great believer that all animals deserve a good chance of living. They’re all put here for a reason.

Trap, neuter, release and maintain feeding is the only humane and civilised way forward to control stray cat numbers.

Go about killing cats and you will get the majority of the public absolutely angered and standing up to stop you.

It is political suicide and any council doing it is in deep trouble. People won’t stand for third world solutions here in New Zealand.



Letters and emails should not exceed 250 words and must have full name, residentia­l address and phone number. The editor reserves the right to edit and abridge. Opinions must be genuinely held by the letter writer. Letters and emails may be referred to others for right of reply before publicatio­n. Please email News Director John Anthony edeb@snl.co.nz.

 ??  ?? Should GST should be removed from healthy foods instead of a sugar tax?
Should GST should be removed from healthy foods instead of a sugar tax?

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