Eastern Bays Courier

Kiwis give $5000 in memory of Paddles


Paddles, the ginger kitten who grew up to make headlines around the world, was found on the street when she was just two weeks old, the SPCA has revealed.

The cat, who belonged to Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern and her partner Clarke Gayford, became a social media star and was profiled in leading publicatio­ns, including Vanity Fair, before being hit by a car earlier this month.

Following Paddles’ death, Ardern posted on Instagram to ask people to ‘‘please be kind’’ to the SPCA.

‘‘They found her before we did, and we will always be grateful for that.’’

SPCA chief executive Andrea Midgen said on the day Paddles died, 62 people made donations to the charity in her memory, totalling $1700.

In addition, $3000 was donated on that day by people who had been spurred by Paddles’ death to remember other pets that had passed.

This week, a letter was sent to donors thanking them for their contributi­ons and telling more of Paddles’ story.

‘‘Paddles was found by a kind member of the public when she was only two weeks old,’’ it said.

‘‘It was three days before Christmas, but instead of spending time with a family who loved her, she was fending for herself on the streets.

‘‘Although Paddles is no longer with us, she was given a second chance to find out what having a loving family felt like, and for that we are thankful.

‘‘Paddles’ memory will live on in the animals your donation will save.’’

At two weeks old, kittens are entirely dependent on their mothers.

Their eyes are open, but their vision can be blurred as their pupils don’t dilate and contract easily.

Their ears are often still folded over, they can only move about shakily and they weigh about 200-250 grams.

Midgen said many kittens came into the SPCA at just two weeks old.

‘‘Unfortunat­ely a lot of the time they don’t survive, because they should still be on mother’s milk.’’

Luckily, a guardian angel was looking after Paddles.

‘‘She went to a foster family, so someone has given up their nights to be feeding this little kitten.’’

Midgen said all the money donated would be used to help other kittens that came through the SPCA’S doors.

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