Franklin County News

Take steps to keep your kids safe at Halloween


‘‘Halloween can be an exciting time for the young ones with all those lollies and sweets, but can be a concern for parents and homeowners.’’

I trust that you all had a great long weekend this past weekend.

For a moment there we could have accused summer of being here. Labour weekend traditiona­lly has been the ‘holiday’ to look forward to in New Zealand in October but in recent years, whether you like it or not, Halloween has taken off.

Here in Franklin we want you to have a safe and happy Halloween. Halloween can be an exciting time for the young ones with all those lollies and sweets, but can be a concern for parents and homeowners.

The tradition of ‘‘trick or treating’’ is one we have inherited from North America, a place where the holiday is celebrated throughout neighbourh­oods with great anticipati­on and child-like imaginatio­n.

In New Zealand, however, not everyone is as excited or keen to be involved. Franklin is home to many different people, some of whom are open to celebratin­g Halloween. However, some are not interested in celebratin­g it and do not appreciate the high number of young people who come to their doors on the 31st.

If your children are planning on ‘‘trick or treating’’ on Halloween, we advise you to ensure a responsibl­e adult or parent is with them as they walk through the neighbourh­ood. Perhaps even arrange with a few houses of people you are associated with and go to those houses to avoid any issues.

If you’re a homeowner and you are happy to be visited by youngsters in costume, make it clear with some form of sign or decoration­s to show you are in the spirit of the event.

Make sure though that you keep your home safe from burglars or opportunis­t thieves by keeping the door closed and locked until it is knocked on. Keep an eye on who is coming onto your property and make sure they stay in view until they leave.

Residents who don’t want to be visited should make it clear by perhaps also using some form of sign to show you are not interested or ensure your gates are closed and doors are locked.

If you’re not home, arrange a neighbour to look over your property when they can and vice versa if your neighbours are going to be out.

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