
Start your own dreams list

and add to it whenever you come up with a new dream.


Make sure you can give yourself at least 30 minutes – preferably an hour – in a quiet and inspiring place. Write down as many dreams as you can in the time you give yourself, and come back and do this powerful exercise as often as you like over the course of your life. I’d suggest doing this every few months, but do it at least annually.

The idea is to just get as many dreams down on paper as you possibly can. Later when you reflect on them, some will totally inspire you. Some will inspire completely new dreams you hadn’t thought of before. Some you will edit. Some you may later throw away… But somewhere on that list will be some absolute gems that will ignite your soul and inspire you to reimagine your life in ways you wouldn’t have otherwise. Be as bold as you like. Be as silly as you like. Be as childish as you like.

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