
Free your mind...

In order to dream big, you have to ask yourself the right questions to help you let go of limitation­s.


Put pen to paper and use the questions ahead to inspire, prompt and guide you to create your own list of 101 Dreams – or as many as you can. As they surface in your mind, write those dreams onto your 101 Dreams List. You can edit later.

Read each question in the three areas one by one. After reading each question, pause, think about that question, and let it stimulate your imaginatio­n. When you’ve written down every dream it inspires, move to the next question, and so on.

When you feel you’re out of ideas, cycle through the three lists of questions again. Do this as many times as you like to inspire as many dreams as you possibly can. Let your imaginatio­n run wild. Tap your creativity. And remember, turn off your rational mind. Resist the temptation to limit yourself.

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