Hamilton Press

Simon mixes beer, wine and writing


For the Wood family, wine is a family affair, and Simon Wood is continuing that legacy.

Simon is very familiar with the wine industry, following in his parents’ footsteps.

Hugh Wood, Simon’s father, was always involved in the wine industry and owned a few speciality stores.

He was one of the founding members of the Hamilton Wine and Food Society as the cellarmast­er and also wrote columns for the Hamilton Press.

His column, Wood on Wine, was taken over by Simon’s mother Bev, after Hugh passed away.

And now Simon continues that family legacy with his own column, Wood on Wine and Beer.

Simon admits when it comes to the ‘‘old world’’, European countries, specifical­ly Italy, Spain and France, with generation­s of history and heritage of wine making, New Zealand can’t compete.

‘‘Thats new world versus old world.

‘‘New Zealand makes wine extremely well, over the last 20 years, we have refined it, worked out what we are and what we’re not good at.

‘‘The industry has matured and we have worked out what grows well in different regions.’’

He loves a pinot noir, sparkling and dessert wine and chardonnay and craft beer, but admits ‘‘there is not much he doesn’t like’’.

He leans more towards wine with dinner when eating out.

Wood says his columns will include wines and craft beers he has recently enjoyed, and those he didn’t, including if the beverage is better with food, or stand alone.

He says readers shouldn’t be concerned about the price of the wines in his column, most of the wines he writes about are readily available in supermarke­ts or wine shops around the $20 a bottle mark.

So is there a difference between a cheaper bottle of wine and an expensive one?

‘‘I have had South American red wines and in a blind tasting against the great French red, they have come out on top. I think if you are unlucky in an expensive bottle of wine, it can be no better than if you are very lucky in a cheap bottle of wine.’’

 ??  ?? Writer Simon Wood offers some top tips on wine and beer.
Writer Simon Wood offers some top tips on wine and beer.

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