Hamilton Press

Pedal power for men’s health


Five-time world champion cyclist Jim McMurray has earned a heap of titles but the focus will be on men’s health when he appears at his next big event.

McMurray has signed up for the inaugural endurance cycling event at Hampton Downs Motorsport Park in October.

He hopes more people will sign up too.

The four-hour endurance relay cycling event, Pedal4Pros­tate, will support the Prostate Cancer Foundation of New Zealand.

It will be the first time cyclists have the chance to race on a track normally used by cars.

In peak condition McMurray continues to amass world cycling records in his 50s.

But he acknowledg­es he isn’t immune from the possibilit­y of prostate cancer, a disease which affects 3000 Kiwi men, one in 13, every year.

‘‘We all know someone who has been affected by cancer in one form or another,’’ said McMurray.

‘‘When I found out how many men each year are diagnosed with prostate cancer, I felt a call to action.’’

McMurray admitted he was nervousnes­s about getting his prostate checked, ‘‘it was bit invasive but it wasn’t so bad’’.

‘‘If I could get as many people to do something as simple as having a check, it’s a big win.’’

The Pedal4Pros­tate is open to everyone who wants to enter a team.

McMurray expects cyclists will set some new track records as bikes have never been allowed on the track.

He hopes it will raise funds and drive awareness of the most common cancer in Kiwi men.

‘‘It’s the first – and maybe only - time Hampton Downs will close the track just for cyclists to experience the twists and turns for themselves,’’ he said.

McMurray cannot wait to get onto the smooth hot mix asphalt circuit and said the experience would be similar to running over the Auckland Harbour Bridge. You can only do it once a year. McMurray is a member of Tirau Cycle Club, and Forestland Wheelers in Tokoroa. He set the world one hour track time trial record, at the recent World Masters Games held in New Zealand.

He is due to head off to compete in the World Championsh­ips in France confident his negative yearly prostate check will ensure cancer will not stop him enjoying the rest of his life.

 ??  ?? Jim McMurray is hoping to encourage more men to have health checks, through his appearance at the Pedal4Pros­tate event.
Jim McMurray is hoping to encourage more men to have health checks, through his appearance at the Pedal4Pros­tate event.

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