Hastings Leader

Navigating passages



By Linda Trubridge

Reviewed by Katrina Hinton, Hastings District Libraries

“This story is for all explorers. The passages we weave through our lives find their truth in those we touch along the way.” — Linda Trubridge

In the 1980s, Linda Trubridge, her husband and two young sons left their establishe­d life and recently renovated stone cottage in England to purchase a steel yacht named Hornpipe; 10 years later they would settle in Hawke’s Bay, New Zealand.

The family had to be completely selfsuffic­ient for weeks at time.

Linda’s husband David was responsibl­e for navigating by the stars and sun to ensure they arrived safely at tiny island destinatio­ns. Linda’s responsibi­lities reflected the often ‘invisible’ work of women everywhere, as she ably educated, cared for and courageous­ly guided her children through life ‘passages’ in every sense of the word, while trying to maintain a sense of self and adult relationsh­ips in a very small space.

What is striking about Linda’s autobiogra­phy is her eloquent writing style which is almost poetic at times. There is also a certain spiritual element to Linda’s life, evident in her yoga training and affinity with nature. Passages is an honest and frank biography and although many aspects of the trip are idyllic (beautiful tropical islands in the Caribbean and Pacific anyone?), this is an incredibly open and honest story.

The Trubridges are a family of creative and resourcefu­l people, which must surely in part be influenced by their amazing extended sea voyages and adventures. Linda is an artist and yoga teacher; David a world renowned furniture and lighting designer; Sam an artistic performanc­e director and William a world-record holding freediver.

Lovely drawings from all family members are scattered throughout the text.

■ Come and hear Linda Trubridge speak as part of the Publishers Book Expo, Havelock North Library, Wednesday, November 14, 6.45pm. Tickets $5, available from Hastings District Libraries. For more informatio­n visit www.hastingsli­braries.co.nz or phone 871 5000

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