Hastings Leader




1. Again in the bar, getting drunk in the interval (8). 6. They’re funny ways of showing happiness (4). 8. Shoot back if followed by a soldier (4). 9. Stopped and lobbed (6,2). 10. After a month, yes, do go off (5). 11. Hide in a tunnel too small to stand up in? (3,3). 13. Jack’s back (6).

15. Not having got cross! (6). 17. Show a picture, perhaps (6). 19. Work as a dentist or doctor the sick (5). 22. Showing dad is back and mum, perhaps, too (8). 23. Leading from the bend (4). 24. Christophe­r Robin, it’s not! (4). 25. Bars outside the girl’s window! (8).


2. Lift the one with the funny ears out (5). 2. The time after, say “The usual” (7). 4. Shout to the old boy coming up, the tramp (4). 5. Little bands and they may be gold or silver (8). 6. The question is, are we to accommodat­e the lady? (5). 7. Stick the lettuce in with the tablets from the chemist’s (7). 12. Unceremoni­ously runs the bloke in, one reveals (8). 14. What took the underwater pictures? (7).

16. Convinced it’s inevitable (7). 18. It follows direct (5).

20. Tied a lot, about a hundred, up (5). 21. Move from a place of confinemen­t (4).

CRYPTIC PUZZLE NO. 7724 - SOLUTIONS Across - 1, Nick. 7, Man-hatt-an. 8, Nai-l(rev.) 9, S-low. 10, Ac-h(ot)-e. 11, Sag-a. 14, Bad friends. 16, St-ated time. 19, Nets (rev.) 22, Star. 24, Bash. 25, Er-ic. 26, Too Little. 27, T-h-us.

Down - 1, Nines (anag.) 2, C-ling. 3, C-all-ed. 4, Shower. 5, Etna (rev.) 6, Washed out. 12, Agitation. 13, A-b(ass)et. 15, (el)Even. 17, D-eb-ate. 18, Insult (anag.) 20, E-art-h. 21, Sucks. 23, Roll.

QUICK PUZZLE NO. 7724 - SOLUTIONS Across - 1, Meal. 7, Venerable. 8, Rate. 9, Lido. 10, Love. 11, Herb. 14, Remunerate. 16, Disgusting. 19, Erne. 22, Thee. 24, Crab. 25, Lute. 26, Lethargic. 27, Bent. Down - 1, Mirth. 2, Alter. 3, Helium. 4, Heroin. 5, Hall. 6, Elevation. 12, Enlighten. 13, Brag. 15, Rage. 17, Secure. 18, Italic. 20, Rouse. 21, Elect. 23, Echo.

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